the most fundamental characteristic of all social institutions is the necessity for self preservation. a company, religion. government. etc.
why would an oil company want us to use energy that’s outside of oil control? it would make them less relevant to society. they’d die
we live in a “what’s in it for me?” society anyway. that’s why nobody trusts each other in our world. because of money. all profit driven.
industries cannot afford to care about people. there’s no profit in that.
greed isn’t human behavior. you’ve studied human behavior? doubt it. greed is no more “natural”, than wearing clothing.
there is no such thing human nature. only human behavior and needs. we’re all products of our environment
you’re greedy? jealous? a bigot? that’s not human nature. that’s learned. you picked that up. sorry.
if you get rid of the conditions that create what we all call “socially offensive” behavior, then that behavior won’t exist. easy.
don’t give someone a reason to steal, they won’t steal. see how that works?
the system we were born into is what molds our ideas & views. it’s all monetary based, unfortunately.
money buys you things you need. but IT is not what you need. and if what you needed was abundant, which it is, you wouldn’t need money ever.
put money in a bowl. eat it. was that nutritious? feel full? put money in your gas tank. car go anywhere? how far?
greed IS learned. greed comes from thinking there’s not enough of something. so you better hoard as much as possible.
if you had everything you needed everyday to survive, without having to pay for it, you wouldn’t be greedy anymore. eventually.
don’t be Cypher from the Matrix choosing the taste of steak. i refuse to think that “this is how it’s been & will always be”, bullshit.
geothermal energy. clean renewable energy. heat mining using water. ask an MIT professor. 13,000 zetaj
we use half of ONE zetajule of energy a year on Earth. you do the math homies. i mean c’mon.ules of power are under our feet.
13,000 zetajules of power off geothermal energy man. i mean…all countries use 1/2 a zetajule a year of energy. that’s 26,000 yrs of energy.
but there’s no money in 13,000 zetajules of energy for oil companies so you’re not told about this. but i’ll change that shit.
“When truth comes, you don’t hear it cause you’ve been programmed to fear it.” – Lauryn Hill
for true equality/oneness to be taught properly, the system itself must be eradicated. the monetary system will never allow for ethics.
profit based system makes people unethical & not care for their fellow man. one system must be wiped out, before a better one can rise.
machines will free us from human labor. mundane boring jobs will disappear. we’ll be able to use our minds properly, finally.
oh yea. love is free energy, too. it costs nada to produce. and it never runs out. and can be shared freely.
our current system creates crime & deprivation, due to the illusion of scarcity. the monetary system requires manual labor, for income.
the incentives change, when you remove money. “what would we work towards with no $ echo?”. you enjoy giving someone art..not selling it.
there was a time when ppl genuinely thought demons caused illnesses. everything changes. you’ll either stay ancient, or move with us
you cant fight minds changing. they always do. they always have. eras change. technology helps one society move to the next one. join light.
there’s no “independence” in nature. it’s all one. without us, many things die. without plants, we die. without the sun, plants die. etc.
i’ll help get us all off oil. that’ll crumble the gas companies. then we’ll switch to solar globally. that’ll crumble the utility companies
then we’ll go after the politicians. we’ll use the internet & connect our countries to figure out which method works for each, in governing.
then, we’ll create new ways of running our countries as we ween off gasoline & fossil fuels to run our homes. with solar panelings.
then we’ve gotten rid of oil companies, politicians, lobbyists & utility companies. then have the scientists focus on geothermal energy.
we have the scientists build on geothermal energy to run our household energy & irrigate water properly. then they work on tapping resources
we then start holding all of the people that fucked shit up accountable & strip them of power & positions. we then close the Federal Reserve.
we create entirely automated systems everywhere to do everything humans do in the labor force. use up any leftover printed money to build.
we the ppl are then freed up from daily monotonous routines so we can go back & learn correctly & unlearn old crap. and connect our minds again
we can then start to use untapped resources to make the products we use, fully sustainable. no breakdowns.
with our new proper educations we learn how to eat well, to holistically cure & heal ourselves & families. we connect with moon phase time.
we revert to correct time usage. we follow the “clock” that all nature follows, so we feel connected again. start living in this world BETTER.
we then live in a world where the resources we thought were scarce are now abundant, because the lies stop. scientists are REALLY working
now everybody would have anything one needs, for free. water, food, warmth, shelter, air. we have it all in abundance. without a “leader”.
we run shit, collectively. by communicating with each other at all times using technology. Internet. cells. all the stuff we play with today
we run the planet collectively. and don’t need money. there’s no competition based system. the incentive is to live for a long time.
the scientists no longer make weapons. no wars. no need to fight anymore. every nation has what every nation has, and needs.
education is real. all esoteric knowledge, is public. no forced religions. we all finally know who wrote all the bullshit “scriptures”.
we would then have free energy. little to no crime because there’s no need to steal. or kill. no need for cops. laws. prisons. all gone.
we retain everything we use today, but advance it. no broken products. no repair shops. we are free of labor due to automation & robots.
the time we then have as free, since we’re not working, we spend on inventing. creating. exploring. growing. loving. living. sharing.
the internet is called the world wide web. World Wide. Web. connecting
more people die from peanut oil allergies, than terrorism a year. but we spend $6 billion a year on defense? ok. lol
in the monetary system we have, nobody wants to solve a problem unless there’s money to gain. this is not a society that cares about ppl
we collectively have to free up the scientists to work & create the right stuff. there’s NO job an engineer can’t invent a machine to do.
war is a helluva money maker. politicians get $$ from weapons makers. weapons makers get funding from politicians passing laws for them.
about 87 people per year die from “terrorism” & about 150-200 die from food allergies per year. are we spending $6 billion on food allergies?
definition of terrorism literally: “The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims”. sounds like we’re the terrorists
more people die from snake bites a year, than terrorism.
we just need to wake up. and have something to wake up to.