A planet called Gliese 581-D was discovered in 2007. it is seven times as big as Earth but has water & a rocky terrain like we do. 1 problem.
This planet is 20 light years away. 120 trillion miles away. We all might have to move there one day if we keep killing this planet or destroy ourselves with wars, catastrophes, etc.
It’d take traveling 11 miles per second and 350,000 years to get to Gliese. We better get to work. fast.
Gliese 581 c (pronounced /ˈɡliːzə/) or Gl 581 c is an extrasolar planet orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581.[2] With a mass at least 5.36 times that of the Earth, it is classified as a super-Earth, a category which incorporates planets exceeding the mass of Earth but smaller than 10 Earth masses. Assuming that the planet’s mass is close to the lower limit determined by radial velocity measurements (the true mass is unknown), it was the smallest known extrasolar planet around a main sequence star, but on April 21, 2009, another planet orbiting Gliese 581, Gliese 581 e, was announced with an approximate mass of 1.9 earth masses, which is now the smallest known extrasolar planet around a main sequence star.
Gliese 581 c initially generated interest because it was originally reported to be the first potentially Earth-like planet in the habitable zone of its star, with a temperature right for liquid water on its surface, and by extension, potentially capable of supporting extremophile forms of Earth-like life. However, further research on the potential effects of the planetary atmosphere casts doubt upon the habitability of Gliese 581 c and indicates that the fourth planet in the system, Gliese 581 d, is a better candidate for habitability.
In astronomical terms, the Gliese 581 system is relatively close to Earth, at 20.3 light years (192 trillion km or 119 trillion miles) in the direction of the constellation of Libra. This distance, along with the declination and right ascension coordinates, give its exact location in our galaxy. It is identified as Gliese 581 by its number in the Gliese Catalogue of Nearby Stars; it is the 87th closest known star system to the Sun.