Breakdown Of The System And The Machine



Ok, so when I talk about things like “The System” or “The Machine”, this is what the fuck I’m talking about. In my opinion, “The System” breaks down into the 3 following parts:

1. The Political System(s)
2. The Economic System(s)
3. The Media

To me, these 3 systems are the parts that make up The Machine. Each one of these things are responsible collectively, and sometimes individually, for the false reality, boundary and limits driven Matrix that we were all born into. It’s called The Machine because it’s this big “thing” that keeps running 24-7, with no breaks, pauses or stoppage.

Politics, Economics and Media are all aspects of a single force. (I tweeted about this same idea earlier this week, in regard to electromagnetism and a Unified theory. How seemingly separate things, are all actually one thing…just different parts of it.) The three above mentioned components are directly, or indirectly, responsible for the global education curriculum, societal peer pressures, dysfunctional families, most diseases, all wars, all racism, etc.

The Political System needs the educational system to program the youth, so that critical thinkers aren’t cultivated. If people everywhere were thinking critically, they’d realize that The Machine is only “alive” because of people’s acquiescence, apathy and subservience and The Machine can’t have people realize that. So, proper education isn’t fully given to people, i.e. barely half of real math is taught, on purpose, so that it’s hated/feared by people and they run away from true mathematics, which are ‘keys’ to the universe, and themselves. Science is not wholly taught, meaning physics could be taught way earlier to young children, and pseudo-science is mocked by the scientific community (think about who funds mostly all scientists, and you’ll know why). History that’s taught in school is totally twisted around and fucked up and is basically “a bad game of telephone”, and things like economics and how to be your own boss are never taught early, even though they run the world, etc.

I mean…don’t get me wrong, these 3 systematic parts above have also produced positive things like open platforms for ideas in some areas, sports, technology advancement, etc. See, if we were able to extract the “good” from the current system, and eliminate the “bad”, we might have something quite beautiful around here. The problem is, that the people that humanity has allowed to be in positions to run those 3 systematic parts mentioned above, are not very nice people. They have agendas. They have deep-seated issues. They are power hungry. They are control seekers. They are hoarders. They are also sadly misguided by their own families, in some cases.

If you’re reading this, please understand it’s up to you and I to help redesign or simply replace those 3 things up there, with better versions. The kind of versions that put the existence of anything that’s alive, as a top priority. The political system needs to be completely broken down, overhauled and built back up from scratch. With a new system that puts more of an encrypted “consensus type” online voting mechanism at the head of decision making, and a completely different looking form of governmental levels. One that starts at a community level, then goes to a neighborhood level, and so on, and so forth. Each level having representatives that actually are relatable to the people they claim to represent. If and when disagreements are encountered, violence isn’t on the table at all. Not when our mouths work. Not when there’s technology available that can transparently show what nature is actually providing for all of us resource-wise globally that can be divvied up fairly amongst all living creatures everywhere. Not when it’s known by everyone on Earth that there’s an illusion of scarcity that is perpetuated for the sake of the existence of No. 2, the economic system.

The economic system is sickening, when you take into consideration that actual cash money is only around 8% of the currency globally, and 92% of all money is just numbers on fucking screens. We can do better y’all. The disparity between the “have” and “have-nots” is widening and the “haves” don’t have anything that the “have-nots” don’t have (all humans are born with the same amount of consciousness), except for maybe being born into a certain gene pool, or getting help from someone within. The fact that Earth provides enough for all, but people sit in restaurants eating 8 oz. steaks, while a hungry homeless person sits against the glass window of that same restaurant looking in, is an abomination. This only happens because of the way No. 2 works. Some surveys have actually shown that being in the highest income bracket of your country will only make you 3.5%  happier than the average person. Other things matter in a world that actually cares about all living things.

Then of course, there’s the media system. Good ol’ No. 3. The entertainment animal, and mainstream media beast. You might be starting to see now how these 3 systematic parts mentioned above are intertwined with each other. The greedy fucks in politics, that need the overall system to stay exactly like it is, not change it, lest they lose their power, money and place in society are in bed with the economic system, which couldn’t survive unless the greedy fucks, and the consumers consuming, existed. Oh, and best believe that the military, police, judicial puppets, etc., all fall under the umbrella of No. 1, the political system. The media is fed, coddled, and adored by No. 1 and No. 2 because the media helps No. 1 and No. 2 by fucking with the billions of minds that are “tuned in” to television programming, and movie magic. These are where opinions are swayed, facts are twisted, lies are born, truths are hidden, and sheep are kept in the pen. A screen is the shepherd, and humanity is the flock. For example, the movie industry has one specific tool called “predictive programming” which is where the movie or TV show that people are watching is actually preparing their mind for a real event that will be taking place soon. No. 3 is where a lot of psyops were born and propaganda is practiced (after it was invented by Edward Bernays who was a cousin of Sigmund Freud! Go figure).

“Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need.” – Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

I already explained what needs to happen to No. 1, the political system.

So as far as No. 2, the economic system, we can exist without the currencies we have on Earth. Fuck that “we’ll never get rid of money Echo” bullshit. I’ve gone over the LETS program (see my blog post), and other systems of modern age ‘bartering’ that can be coupled with technology like 3D printing and fully automated factories, producing goods and services based on TRUE supply and demand. We don’t exist within an economic system based on supply and demand. If we did, explain every store shelf in every store in the world having something there. If we had supply and demand, there wouldn’t be one product on a shelf anywhere. It would be produced when there was a demand for it, that second. See?

And No. 3, the media needs to be much, much more balanced. We’re fed way too much garbage and formulated opinions as facts, in the media. Many films don’t portray the things we know to be true history, as authentically as they could. The news programs need to be more like “The Newsroom”, honestly. We all known that only 6 corporations control 90% of the media in America. That means, you’re not really getting a fair view of what’s happening out there. You’re getting what 6 companies want you to think. Now, think about who owns the corporations that own media conglomerates, then think about those guys having friends in the political system, then think about how all of these people love money. Help me, help you change all this.


First Scientific Proof Of God Found

FYI…I don’t believe in a god being per se, so i replace the word god with universe, when i read this article.


First Scientific Proof Of God Found
By Dr. Richter DasMeerungeheuer on June 22, 2014

W.I.T. scientists, in conjunction with the Human Genome Project and Bob Jones University, have made what may be the most astounding discovery of this, or any generation. While working to understand and map the function of sequences of DNA in the human genome known as “Junk DNA” (for their lack of known function), scientists at W.I.T. noted that while the DNA sequences they were seeing bore little resemblance to the coding for biological function, they bore a striking similarity to the patterns of human language. Contacting and working closely with linguists and philologists from Bob Jones University, W.I.T. set out to analyze and decode the areas of Transposons and Retrotransposons which seemed indicative of human language.

Linguistic professors at Bob Jones University, long noted for its intellectual rigor, began to attempt to translate the decoded segments that W.I.T. was providing. The structure was notably and demonstrably human in nature. The coding language found, which utilized sequences of twenty-eight independent values, fell easily into the incidence range of known alphabets. Sequences of independent connected values likewise mirrored the structure of word composition in human languages. The Linguistic and Philology team at Bob Jones began an extensive comparison of the quizzical script found in the “Junk DNA” with the catalog of every recorded human language; hoping to find similar lingual threads so that they could begin to formulate translations of the message laying hidden in the DNA. Professors were rocked with sheer awe when they found that one existent language, and one language alone, was a direct translatable match for the sequential DNA strands.

The Language in the “Junk DNA”, the DNA that scientists had for years discarded as useless, was indistinguishable from ancient Aramaic. Even more amazingly, as linguists started to translate the code within the human genome, they found that parts of the script it contained were at times remarkably close in composition to verse found in the bible. And at times contained direct biblical quotes.

On the human gene PYGB, Phosporomylase Glycogen, a non-coding transposon, holds a linguistic sequence that translates as “At first break of day, God formed sky and land.” This bears a stunning similarity to Gen 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Gene Bmp3 has a Retrotransposon sequence which translates to the well-known 1 Cor 6:19 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.” This is repeated over and over throughout the entire sequence of human DNA: embedded equivalent genetic code of ancient Aramaic that seems to translate as the word of god to his people.

Matthew Boulder, chief linguist for the project and professor of applied creation sciences at Bob Jones University, issued this statement: “As for the evidence- it is there and it is, to my view, undeniable. The very word of God, elegantly weaved in and out of our very bodies and souls, as plain as day. And the beauty of it, that God would lay down the words of truth in our very beings, shows his love and The Miracle.”

Scientists at W.I.T. await replication of our own research extracting and sequencing “Junk” DNA and verification of translation into Aramaic by independent sources before we move forward on the peer review process and the release of our total research and discovery to date.
– See more at:



In the closing months of 2010, a network of hackers, journalists, cryptographers and whistleblowers mashed revolutionary fervor with high technology and dealt the United States a terrific, unexpected blow. Days later, in the face of tremendous pressure from the world’s declining superpower, the international whistle-blowing organization tweeted a defiant self-description: “WikiLeaks is the first global samizdat movement. The truth will surface even in the face of total annihilation.”

From a tactical perspective, the importance of WikiLeaks has less to do with the content of the cables than with what it forecasts for the future of activism. Leveraging the symbolic power of the act of leaking, WikiLeaks divided the world into two camps and thrust the censorial regimes that are normally invisible into the spotlight. As Amazon, PayPal, Visa and MasterCard goose-stepped behind the US government to deny access to the leaked cables, the founding mythology of democracy – freedom of speech, government transparency, the necessity of an informed populace – came under attack. And in response, a global internet community rose up in defense of liberty. The passion so long absent in digital activism was revived as anonymous hackers waged denial-of-service wars against the websites of crony capitalists and sycophantic politicians. WikiLeaks, and the volunteer hacktivist army it inspired, signals that the future of activism will involve the internet in creative, still unimagined ways.

At the dawn of 2011 there is again hope that technology can birth the barricades of the 21st century. Perhaps the most exciting direction for activism is the increasing politicization of flashmobs. First capturing the public imagination in 2003, flashmobs are the sudden appearance of dozens, sometimes hundreds, of individuals who carry out a synchronized action that ranges from the absurd to the disobedient. In recent years, flashmobs have been used to organize spontaneous pillow fights, eerie frozen moments, rush-hour parties and macabre zombie walks. Now, they are becoming an outlet for social discontent. In Philadelphia, for example, unruly youth have exploited cell phones to organize flashmob swarms that appear without warning, looting stores and leaving police mystified. Fun, easy to organize, and resistant to both infiltration and preemption because of their friend-to-friend network topology, flashmobs are positioned to be the next popular tactic with revolutionary potential.

So far, the tactical significance of flashmobs has been limited by their local scale. They typically happen in a single city, on a single day and at a single time. If the magic of Seattle was due to the innovative transposition of anti-logging barricades to an urban environment, the power of the second generation of flashmobs will lie in the upgrade of a local happening into a global phenomenon. Imagine activism globalized: synchronized intercontinental crowds that flare up spontaneously at noon – to throw rancid butter at each of the 737 US overseas military bases, to blackspot each of the 32,000 McDonald’s golden arches or to block the entrance of each of the 8,500 Walmart stores. With flashmobs, activists have the potential to swarm capitalism globally, stinging it incessantly until the bloodied beast falls to its knees. Making it happen may take a new breed of techno-visionaries who build an advertising-free social networking app developed exclusively for pulling off ever more sophisticated jams against consumerism.

A similarly promising direction lies with integrating the principles of gaming into activism. Initial steps in this direction have been made by “alternate reality game” designers, such as Jane McGonigal and Elan Lee, whose work re-enchants everyday life by layering a fictional universe atop reality. Think of the 1997 film The Game. One notable example is SFZero, a San Francisco-based game in which players earn points by interacting with the city in impish ways. Missions include “find roof access,” “add a colorful bulb to a public socket” and “steal something from a wild animal.” For culture jammers, the essential big idea is that activism can come alive if the key components of what makes games immersive – heroic narrative, the quest for experience, increasing levels of difficulty, social engagement, adventure, etc. – are applied to sparking a revolution.

The tactical potential is limited only by our imagination. Companies like Twilio, also in San Francisco, allow anyone to build scriptable, automated phone numbers that can receive and make calls, send text messages and pull information from databases to play personalized messages. Combine this with a rousing storyline, clues left in public spaces and a series of missions that take players up the ladder-of-engagement from inexperienced activist to master culture jammer, and there is no limit to the kinds of “games” revolutionaries can play. One example would be a game where participants use their phones to interact with fictional characters and, in order to unravel an anticorporate storyline or solve an anticonsumerist mystery, earn blackspot points by putting up Buy Nothing Day posters, throwing stink bombs, recruiting comrades and organizing flashmobs. When activism is “gamified,” reaching level 50 could start an insurrection.

Just as no one could have predicted the power of the barricades – or the spectacular success of the urban lockdown – there is no way to know which tactic will lead to victory. Some may dedicate themselves to WikiLeaks-style initiatives, others may develop a P2P flashmob application or a culture jammer game, while still others may discover previously unseen leverage points by which to challenge capitalism. What is clear, however, is that we are entering an exciting time of activist innovation – like 1848, 1999 and 2003.

After surveying the near victory of 1848, Mikhail Bakunin wrote that to achieve a global revolution we must first convince the populace “that an invincible force lives in the people, which nothing and no one can withstand, and that if it has not yet liberated the people it is because it is powerful only when it is concentrated and acts simultaneously, everywhere, jointly, in concert, and until now it has not done so.”

Today, we are closer than ever to unleashing our invincible power.

— Micah White, Phd

see full article here:

[Ted Talk] Why Ordinary People Need To Understand Power

Far too many Americans are illiterate in power — what it is, how it operates and why some people have it. As a result, those few who do understand power wield disproportionate influence over everyone else. “We need to make civics sexy again,” says civics educator Eric Liu. “As sexy as it was during the American Revolution or the Civil Rights Movement.”


[Ted Talk] The Antidote To apathy

0:11 How often do we hear that people just don’t care? How many times have you been told that real, substantial change isn’t possible because most people are too selfish, too stupid or too lazy to try to make a difference in their community? I propose to you today that apathy as we think we know it doesn’t actually exist, but rather, that people do care, but that we live in a world that actively discourages engagement by constantly putting obstacles and barriers in our way.

0:41 And I’ll give you some examples of what I mean. Let’s start with city hall. You ever see one of these before? This is a newspaper ad. It’s a notice of a zoning application change for a new office building so the neighborhood knows what’s happening. As you can see, it’s impossible to read. You need to get halfway down to even find out which address they’re talking about, and then farther down, in tiny 10-point font, to find out how to actually get involved. Imagine if the private sector advertised in the same way — if Nike wanted to sell a pair of shoes and put an ad in the paper like that. (Applause) Now that would never happen. You’ll never see an ad like that because Nike actually wants you to buy their shoes. Whereas the city of Toronto clearly doesn’t want you involved with the planning process, otherwise their ads would look something like this — with all the information basically laid out clearly. As long as the city’s putting out notices like this to try to get people engaged, then of course people aren’t going to be engaged. But that’s not apathy; that’s intentional exclusion.

1:43 Public space. (Applause) The manner in which we mistreat our public spaces is a huge obstacle towards any type of progressive political change because we’ve essentially put a price tag on freedom of expression. Whoever has the most money gets the loudest voice, dominating the visual and mental environment. The problem with this model is that there are some amazing messages that need to be said that aren’t profitable to say. So you’re never going to see them on a billboard.

2:11 The media plays an important role in developing our relationship with political change, mainly by ignoring politics and focusing on celebrities and scandals, but even when they do talk about important political issues, they do it in a way that I feel discourages engagement. And I’ll give you an example: the Now magazine from last week — progressive, downtown weekly in Toronto. This is the cover story. It’s an article about a theater performance, and it starts with basic information about where it is, in case you actually want to go and see it after you’ve read the article — where, the time, the website. Same with this — it’s a movie review, an art review, a book review — where the reading is in case you want to go. A restaurant — you might not want to just read about it, maybe you want to go to the restaurant. So they tell you where it is, what the prices are, the address, the phone number, etc.

2:58 Then you get to their political articles. Here’s a great article about an important election race that’s happening. It talks about the candidates — written very well — but no information, no follow-up, no websites for the campaigns, no information about when the debates are, where the campaign offices are. Here’s another good article about a new campaign opposing privatization of transit without any contact information for the campaign. The message seems to be that the readers are most likely to want to eat, maybe read a book, maybe see a movie, but not be engaged in their community. And you might think this is a small thing, but I think it’s important because it sets a tone and it reinforces the dangerous idea that politics is a spectator sport.

3:39 Heroes: How do we view leadership? Look at these 10 movies. What do they have in common? Anyone? They all have heroes who were chosen. Someone came up to them and said, “You’re the chosen one. There’s a prophesy. You have to save the world.” And then someone goes off and saves the world because they’ve been told to, with a few people tagging along. This helps me understand why a lot of people have trouble seeing themselves as leaders because it sends all the wrong messages about what leadership is about. A heroic effort is a collective effort, number one. Number two, it’s imperfect; it’s not very glamorous, and it doesn’t suddenly start and suddenly end. It’s an ongoing process your whole life. But most importantly, it’s voluntary. It’s voluntary. As long as we’re teaching our kids that heroism starts when someone scratches a mark on your forehead, or someone tells you that you’re part of a prophecy, they’re missing the most important characteristic of leadership, which is that it comes from within. It’s about following your own dreams — uninvited, uninvited — and then working with others to make those dreams come true.

4:41 Political parties: oh boy. Political parties could and should be one of the basic entry points for people to get engaged in politics. Instead, they’ve become, sadly, uninspiring and uncreative organizations that rely so heavily on market research and polling and focus groups that they end up all saying the same thing, pretty much regurgitating back to us what we already want to hear at the expense of putting forward bold and creative ideas. And people can smell that, and it feeds cynicism. (Applause)

5:16 Charitable status: Groups who have charitable status in Canada aren’t allowed to do advocacy. This is a huge problem and a huge obstacle to change because it means that some of the most passionate and informed voices are completely silenced, especially during election time. Which leads us to the last one, which is our elections.

5:34 As you may have noticed, our elections in Canada are a complete joke. We use out-of-date systems that are unfair and create random results. Canada’s currently led by a party that most Canadians didn’t actually want. How can we honestly and genuinely encourage more people to vote when votes don’t count in Canada? You add all this up together and of course people are apathetic. It’s like trying to run into a brick wall.

5:57 Now I’m not trying to be negative by throwing all these obstacles out and explaining what’s in our way. Quite the opposite: I actually think people are amazing and smart and that they do care. But that, as I said, we live in this environment where all these obstacles are being put in our way. As long as we believe that people, our own neighbors, are selfish, stupid or lazy, then there’s no hope. But we can change all those things I mentioned. We can open up city hall. We can reform our electoral systems. We can democratize our public spaces.

6:31 My main message is, if we can redefine apathy, not as some kind of internal syndrome, but as a complex web of cultural barriers that reinforces disengagement, and if we can clearly define, we can clearly identify, what those obstacles are, and then if we can work together collectively to dismantle those obstacles, then anything is possible.

6:52 Thank you.

198 Methods of Nonviolent Action



198 Methods of Nonviolent Action. – Gene Sharp.

Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of “nonviolent weapons” at their disposal.

Listed below are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention. A description and historical examples of each can be found in volume two of The Politics of Nonviolent Action by Gene Sharp.

The Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Persuasion

Formal Statements
 1. Public Speeches
 2. Letters of opposition or support
 3. Declarations by organizations and institutions
 4. Signed public statements
 5. Declarations of indictment and intention
 6. Group or mass petitions

Communications with a Wider Audience
 7. Slogans, caricatures, and symbols
 8. Banners, posters, and displayed communications
 9. Leaflets, pamphlets, and books
 10. Newspapers and journals
 11. Records, radio, and television
 12. Skywriting and earthwriting

Group Representations
 13. Deputations
 14. Mock awards
 15. Group lobbying
 16. Picketing
 17. Mock elections

Symbolic Public Acts
 18. Displays of flags and symbolic colors
 19. Wearing of symbols
 20. Prayer and worship
 21. Delivering symbolic objects
 22. Protest disrobings
 23. Destruction of own property
 24. Symbolic lights
 25. Displays of portraits
 26. Paint as protest
 27. New signs and names
 28. Symbolic sounds
 29. Symbolic reclamations
 30. Rude gestures

Pressures on Individuals
 31. "Haunting" officials
 32. Taunting officials
 33. Fraternization
 34. Vigils

Drama and Music
 35. Humorous skits and pranks
 36. Performances of plays and music
 37. Singing

 38. Marches
 39. Parades
 40. Religious processions
 41. Pilgrimages
 42. Motorcades

Honoring the Dead
 43. Political mourning
 44. Mock funerals
 45. Demonstrative funerals
 46. Homage at burial places

Public Assemblies
 47. Assemblies of protest or support
 48. Protest meetings
 49. Camouflaged meetings of protest
 50. Teach-ins

Withdrawal and Renunciation
 51. Walk-outs
 52. Silence
 53. Renouncing honors
 54. Turning one’s back
 The Methods of Social Noncooperation

Ostracism of Persons
 55. Social boycott
 56. Selective social boycott
 57. Lysistratic nonaction
 58. Excommunication
 59. Interdict

Noncooperation with Social Events, Customs, and Institutions
 60. Suspension of social and sports activities
 61. Boycott of social affairs
 62. Student strike
 63. Social disobedience
 64. Withdrawal from social institutions

Withdrawal from the Social System
 65. Stay-at-home
 66. Total personal noncooperation
 67. "Flight" of workers
 68. Sanctuary
 69. Collective disappearance
 70. Protest emigration (hijrat)

The Methods of Economic Noncooperation: Economic Boycotts

Actions by Consumers
 71. Consumers’ boycott
 72. Nonconsumption of boycotted goods
 73. Policy of austerity
 74. Rent withholding
 75. Refusal to rent
 76. National consumers’ boycott
 77. International consumers’ boycott

Action by Workers and Producers
 78. Workmen’s boycott
 79. Producers’ boycott

Action by Middlemen
 80. Suppliers’ and handlers’ boycott

Action by Owners and Management
 81. Traders’ boycott
 82. Refusal to let or sell property
 83. Lockout
 84. Refusal of industrial assistance
 85. Merchants’ "general strike"

Action by Holders of Financial Resources
 86. Withdrawal of bank deposits
 87. Refusal to pay fees, dues, and assessments
 88. Refusal to pay debts or interest
 89. Severance of funds and credit
 90. Revenue refusal
 91. Refusal of a government’s money

Action by Governments
 92. Domestic embargo
 93. Blacklisting of traders
 94. International sellers’ embargo
 95. International buyers’ embargo
 96. International trade embargo

The Methods of Economic Noncooperation: The Strike

Symbolic Strikes
 97. Protest strike
 98. Quickie walkout (lightning strike)

Agricultural Strikes
 99. Peasant strike
 100. Farm Workers’ strike

Strikes by Special Groups
 101. Refusal of impressed labor
 102. Prisoners’ strike
 103. Craft strike
 104. Professional strike

Ordinary Industrial Strikes
 105. Establishment strike
 106. Industry strike
 107. Sympathetic strike

Restricted Strikes
 108. Detailed strike
 109. Bumper strike
 110. Slowdown strike
 111. Working-to-rule strike
 112. Reporting "sick" (sick-in)
 113. Strike by resignation
 114. Limited strike
 115. Selective strike

Multi-Industry Strikes
 116. Generalized strike
 117. General strike
Combination of Strikes and Economic Closures
 118. Hartal
 119. Economic shutdown
 The Methods of Political Noncooperation

Rejection of Authority
 120. Withholding or withdrawal of allegiance
 121. Refusal of public support
 122. Literature and speeches advocating resistance

Citizens’ Noncooperation with Government
 123. Boycott of legislative bodies
 124. Boycott of elections
 125. Boycott of government employment and positions
 126. Boycott of government departments, agencies, and other bodies
 127. Withdrawal from government educational institutions
 128. Boycott of government-supported organizations
 129. Refusal of assistance to enforcement agents
 130. Removal of own signs and placemarks
 131. Refusal to accept appointed officials
 132. Refusal to dissolve existing institutions

Citizens’ Alternatives to Obedience
 133. Reluctant and slow compliance
 134. Nonobedience in absence of direct supervision
 135. Popular nonobedience
 136. Disguised disobedience
 137. Refusal of an assemblage or meeting to disperse
 138. Sitdown
 139. Noncooperation with conscription and deportation
 140. Hiding, escape, and false identities
 141. Civil disobedience of "illegitimate" laws

Action by Government Personnel
 142. Selective refusal of assistance by government aides
 143. Blocking of lines of command and information
 144. Stalling and obstruction
 145. General administrative noncooperation
 146. Judicial noncooperation
 147. Deliberate inefficiency and selective noncooperation by
 enforcement agents
 148. Mutiny

Domestic Governmental Action
 149. Quasi-legal evasions and delays
 150. Noncooperation by constituent governmental units

International Governmental Action
 151. Changes in diplomatic and other representations
 152. Delay and cancellation of diplomatic events
 153. Withholding of diplomatic recognition
 154. Severance of diplomatic relations
 155. Withdrawal from international organizations
 156. Refusal of membership in international bodies
 157. Expulsion from international organizations

The Methods of Nonviolent Intervention

Psychological Intervention
 158. Self-exposure to the elements
 159. The fast
 a) Fast of moral pressure
 b) Hunger strike
 c) Satyagrahic fast
 160. Reverse trial
 161. Nonviolent harassment

Physical Intervention
 162. Sit-in
 163. Stand-in
 164. Ride-in
 165. Wade-in
 166. Mill-in
 167. Pray-in
 168. Nonviolent raids
 169. Nonviolent air raids
 170. Nonviolent invasion
 171. Nonviolent interjection
 172. Nonviolent obstruction
 173. Nonviolent occupation

Social Intervention
 174. Establishing new social patterns
 175. Overloading of facilities
 176. Stall-in
 177. Speak-in
 178. Guerrilla theater
 179. Alternative social institutions
 180. Alternative communication system

Economic Intervention
 181. Reverse strike
 182. Stay-in strike
 183. Nonviolent land seizure
 184. Defiance of blockades
 185. Politically motivated counterfeiting
 186. Preclusive purchasing
 187. Seizure of assets
 188. Dumping
 189. Selective patronage
 190. Alternative markets
 191. Alternative transportation systems
 192. Alternative economic institutions

Political Intervention
 193. Overloading of administrative systems
 194. Disclosing identities of secret agents
 195. Seeking imprisonment
 196. Civil disobedience of "neutral" laws
 197. Work-on without collaboration
 198. Dual sovereignty and parallel government

Let’s Fully Automate The City Of Detroit

AbandonedHouseDelray                               An abandoned house in Delray, Detroit.

The city of Detroit has gone through a major economic and demographic decline in recent decades. The population of the city has fallen from a high of 1,850,000 in 1950 to 701,000 in 2013. The automobile industry in Detroit has suffered from global competition and has moved much of the remaining production out of Detroit. Some of the highest crime rates in America are now occurring in Detroit, and huge areas of the city are in a state of severe urban decay. In 2013, Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history.

I recently thought to myself, we should automate the entire city of Detroit.

City planners could get together, a planned out budget could be given to the city by the Federal government, and the entire city could be restructured to where as close to 99% of the city would be automated, as far as homes, factories, businesses, markets, etc., and we should see how practically suspending human manual labor could work.

The city could begin producing many different things to sell & export nationally and internationally (obviously vehicles, but not the same bullshit cars made the same bullshit way), and whatever revenue/profit is made could be pooled, some “divvied up” and given to all the citizens as a ‘fair monthly salary’ of sorts for personal expenditures, and some used to build infrastructure & to supply the citizens with basic human necessities such as solar power for their entire homes (built by 3D printers) to provide energy, electricity, etc., and food and water.

“Interdisciplinary Teams” of newly trained technicians would oversee the entire automated system and orient research projects to continue growth, efficiency and local social evolution. Ideally, no more than 5% of the Detroit population would likely be needed to run the show. Everyone else gets to be free to learn, try new things, teach their kids, be with their families, grow, evolve, etc., instead of being wage slaves. The only people really “working” in Detroit would be the computers and robots, which never need vacation, smoke breaks, or sick days off.

Think about it.

No Such Thing As Human Nature


let’s knock down this wall ppl have up, claiming there’s such thing as a…human nature.

ppl LOVE to say that that humans are inherently competitive, greedy and blindly self-serving. this is what i hear all the time.

and that this human nature is why the sort of world i describe with abundance, no money or need for ownership, cooperation, etc., won’t work

it’s defined as: “the shared psychological attributes of humankind that are assumed to be shared by all human beings”.

so i’m supposed to believe that we’re all supposedly born with some preset psychological inclinations? lol

there’s no such thing as human nature. there’s only human behavior.

what IS inherent in all of us is cooperation actually, not competition. because cooperation is what brought you into this world.

from ya parents fucking, to a room full of ppl helping deliver you into this world.

if you look at the historical record of the human species, we see wars, genocides, conquests and power abuses so i see why you’re misled

of course you think it’s human nature for all humans to inherently be competitive, greedy and blindly self-serving. but you’re mistaken.

it’s the the environment in which one is raised that determines this which is why human behavior exist. not human nature.

competitive, greedy and being blindly self-serving, are learned behaviors. they’re not inherent in all human beings.

Aztecs engaged in mass human sacrifice for their gods, killing tens of thousands at a time. was this criminal activity? to us maybe.

to them it was an accepted social custom. see how that works?

slavery was accepted socially once on this planet? today, it’s horrible to think of ppl owning slaves, right? see?

is a criminal someone who steals food in order to feed his starving family? or is the criminal the system making him do this?

geneticists have never found a gene responsible for competitive, greedy and blindly self-serving behavior in human beings.

but geneticists have found that neurologically, chemicals are produced of joy and love, when humans behave cooperatively.

THAT is inherent in us, because it’s how we fucking got here bro.

when someone talks to you about about human nature being competitive and greedy & we can never have a different world than this…

…tell them to shut the fuck up.

never ceases to amaze me how i can tell ppl that there’s a better system possible than the one you’ve existed in and it would help you…

…and their response is “not possible” without even researching that it actually IS possible and that everything they thought about ppl…

…is WRONG.

The Unselfish Gene – Harvard Business Review @HarvardBiz

Origins of life: The cooperative gene

Genetic similarity promotes cooperation: Study of simple organisms reveals preference for those who resemble themselves

Earth battery

Earth batteries were used extensively around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century to power telegraph lines. They were buried in convenient locations along the power lines and supplied free current for that infrastructure. The technology was discarded and replaced with hydroelectric because hydro was a measurable, finite resource that industry could use to make money. Much like oil.

The earth battery bears a resemblance to the common chemical/acid battery you may be familiar with, if you’ve ever torn apart a battery or done science experiments. Basically, the battery consists of two metal sheets or rods: one copper or carbon, and the other zinc or aluminum (galvanized steel is a zinc surface), each with wires running from them.

These are negative (-) and positive (+) terminals of the battery. Once these metals are buried in soil (at a distance of 1-10 feet), you will have measurable current between your terminals.

Single earth battery

Earth batteries in series

The average single earth battery produces about 0.8 volts.

Some say that to obtain the best current, the rods/sheets should be positioned in a North (copper) to South (zinc) alignment, but it actually doesn’t matter.

There are a few ways to increase your available current with an earth battery setup:

  1. Size and number

    This is basically the ‘more is better’ principle – you vary the size of your rods/sheets, and how many of them you decide to bury in series. Using a larger surface of metal, and planting several of them in series, will deliver more telluric current.

  2. Efficiency

    Passing your current through a circuit and capacitor can improve the output and reliability of your voltage. A great example that is easy to set up is called the ‘joule thief’. This takes your direct current and oscillates it so that it actually delivers more usable energy than is actually available in the form of a direct stream.

  3. Magnification

    Current can be amplified by a number of salvaged devices and standalone equipment such as the common 12v-110v inverters used with car batteries and solar panels.