LETS groups. a new way of doing things.

“LETS” is short for Local Employment and Trade System and it overcomes the limitations of money.

Under the present economic order, money is everything. In a recession when money is tight, skills are locked within people. The money is not there to pay them for their skills, and allow them to pay others for theirs. Many of the needs of people and their communities go unmet when the skills are already there to provide them. LETS releases those skills. It works like this:

Invent a currency. The name doesn’t matter because it doesn’t actually exist in a physical form. They’re just imaginary units of exchange. When you join a LETS group, you are given a list of all the skills and contributions being offered by the other members. You write down a list of all the things that you can do. It can be anything from baby sitting, to repairing a house, to fixing a car. If there is something you need, that a member of the group can provide, you contact them and agree a price in your unit of currency, whatever that may be.

One group in the Isle Of Wights in Europe has called their currency ‘Wights’, but it could be anything. Let us say that you contact a car mechanic in the group and you agree a price of 50 Wights for him or her to repair your car. When the job is done, you contact the LETS coordinator and you say ‘credit so and so with 50 Wights and debit my account with the same.’ The mechanic now has fifty units which he or she can use to purchase your skills or anyone else’s in the group and you have committed yourself to giving 50 units worth of work to the group also.

No money has ever changed hands, but you have your car repaired and the mechanic will be paid in whatever services he or she might need. It may be that, for the moment, some money has to be spent on items purchased within the System, like some spark plugs or engine parts in this case until we fully automate society and put 3D printers in place everywhere, but in some LETS groups even shops are offering food and goods in exchange or part exchange for barter in this way.

You can take it further and have each member commit themselves to so many units of work a month for those in the community who can’t contribute through illness or infirmity or old age. But there are very few who cannot offer SOMEthing. One way of running LETS is to have a rate per hour for everyone, so all time is measured equally.

You can start now, the sooner the better, to build a community economy as independent as possible from the global system. The more we can live outside of that system, the more the power of the banks is reduced. Put an advertisement in the paper and call a public meeting or just gather a few friends at a coffee spot or lounge that you think might be interested.

There might already be a LETS in your area that you can join. No rules that must be obeyed and begins to network with other LETS groups, via the internet. Each group works out what is best for them and learns with experience how best to proceed. These LETS groups can grow quite large, but it is best to keep them to manageable numbers. It is important to have them up and running as soon as possible to reduce dependency on the elitists and to limit the chaos and suffering when the present system collapses.

In the new peoples’ economics we will need local cooperatives and community-owned companies for food distribution. It is simply stupid for food to be grown in one area and sent long distances to other communities while those communities send their produce in the other direction. Food cooperatives will have the role of collecting the food from local farmers and growers and distributing this to the local shops and markets.

To be truly responsive to local needs, these cooperatives should be controlled by representatives of ALL the community, not only the farmers and growers. We will require community organizations on a weekly or even monthly basis, again with all views and needs represented, to coordinate the production and distribution of the necessities of life to everyone in their particular community.

Their meetings will be to ensure that no-one goes without food, warmth, clothing, and shelter. This can be provided much more quickly and efficiently by local communities once they can control their own lives and they can be freed from the barriers presented by the current system to any form of activity which operates independently of its structure. These “community economic cooperatives” will also have the role of identifying the goods and produce imported into a community which could be produced locally. They will then seek ways to replace the imports with their own local production.

There can be local currencies to work alongside barter and “community banks” (peer to peer with no central bank like crypto-currency) will be developed to channel local money into the local economy. These banks should not make money out of money, only cover their costs. If we are going to bring in the changes to ensure that economics serves people, the System of making money out of money has got to end.

To type in numbers on a computer screen and then charge interest for lending money that doesn’t exist has to stop if the control is going to stop. Money should be a form of exchange and a measurement of productive activities and not a way of increasing your wealth for doing absolutely fucking nothing. This ethos has turned the global economy into a giant casino with the table rigged against everybody, except for a few people that actually help rig the tables.

I am not suggesting that communities cut themselves off from each other in the local economies. Quite the opposite. There will still be trade where possible, but it will be for the mutual and equal benefit of both communities involved and largely based on an exchange system of a modern day barter system, instead of a financial transaction. I do not see trade in necessities except where one community absolutely cannot provide them for itself.

We need closer links between communities, not more division. But why does unnecessary and destructive economic activity which makes all communities dependent on outside forces have to be a basis for cooperating with each other? Surely the fierce competition between communities that such a system creates discourages the very cooperation we’re trying to see.

It’s time for people of all backgrounds, creeds, colors, and views to come together and cooperate for the good of the whole and not compete for the good of the few. That’s bullshit because we’re all on the same flying rock. “After The Crash” by Guy Dauncey offers lots of advice and examples of how to build a local economy in which people can free themselves from the clutches of national and international control.

Don’t let anyone tell you this isn’t possible. It is, and it is happening now in a lot of places. The media just won’t report on it because it endangers their very survival if people start doing for themselves.

Local production for local need is the direction in which we are being guided by changing consciousness and economic necessity. We will also realize from these experiences that we have been indoctrinated to accept a perverted view of efficiency. We have been sold the line that says if you centralize your production you can produce things cheaper. This might be true in a few cases, but not the majority. Most of these products are only cheaper in the shops because they do not reflect the full cost of producing and distributing them. If something is made or grown locally and sold as near as possible to where it is produced, the price will reflect virtually the full cost of production and distribution. Not all of it, but most of it. That is not the case with centralized production. When you centralize you need massive trucks to deliver those products. You need millions of them and they must get bigger and more destructive as the centralization intensifies.

They consume fossil fuels at a breathtaking rate with the trucks capable of less than ten miles to the gallon. To cope with these trucks we have to build more motorways and by-passes at incredible cost. We have to spend money repairing the motorways and roads, the water and gas pipes, buildings, and pavements, all damaged by the ever increasing weight of the trucks. We have to pay in medical costs for the growth in road accidents and ill health caused by pollution and the stress of living alongside roads full of traffic and trucks which shake your home and deny you peace and quiet.

We have to spend more on the welfare system, because people-based businesses which served their local communities have been closed down by corporations who largely serve only their shareholders and profit margins. Financial speculation, not human need, dominates industry and we all suffer from that.

None of these costs I have listed are reflected in the price of the products that are produced in this way. You pay for them once at the shop and again in your taxes, while the costs in environmental destruction are not even acknowledged. They are passed on to future generations which, through reincarnation, could be us! All this creates an illusion of efficiency which has hoodwinked billions of people into accepting centralization as ‘progress’.

When those costs have to be reflected in the price on the shelf, local production will often be shown to be cheaper, especially the essentials like food. Packaged and factory-prepared food is far more expensive than buying fresh food locally and preparing it yourself. The national and multi-national food conglomerates have to find ways of taking a potato or a carrot and adding as much to its value as they can. They do this by turning out processed, conveyor belt, ‘convenience’ food in the form of microwave dinners or whatever.

And because food produced in this way has to travel long distances before being eaten, chemicals and preservatives have to be added which increase the cost of the medical services by the affect they have on the human body. This is on top of the poisons the food already contains as a consequence of chemical-based farming methods. The food giants can ensure big profits from what started out as a potato or vegetable costing only a few pennies. We will see the return of buying fresh food locally and preparing it at home at a much cheaper cost in the years ahead.

The centralization of production and political control have brought about the death of our community. The System’s policy of divide and rule has destroyed so much community spirit, cooperation and local self-reliance. Local post offices and small shops have closed. So have local schools and children have to be bussed out of their community to the big, often impersonal, centralized schools where classrooms are overcrowded and children are taught half of what they could really know.

Their parents have also had to travel longer distances to work as centralization has closed local firms and created the need for mass commuting with all the road, public transport, and pollution costs that entails. People are forced to begin and end each working day in traffic jams or crowded trains alongside others in the same situation. More of their time is taken by working and traveling, and less is available for families, friends, and life in the community. That’s what the System wants!

Governments talk of the need for ‘family values’ while promoting a system that breaks up families for most of every day, and creates pressures that many relationships do not survive. More people are now realizing that if you can reduce your number of ‘wants’, you need less money to live. Simplifying your life like this can free those most precious of gifts – time and choice.

Yet another consequence of centralization has been the dependence of communities on one or very few companies for their economic stability. When those industries falter or the companies decide it is better for them to centralize elsewhere, the communities are devastated because their economic base is so small and dependent on so few. Community economies of the kind that will evolve in the years ahead will not suffer from such lack of diversity.

The multi-nationals who use their power to exploit people and the planet will not survive the transformation. The expansion of consciousness will ensure that their days are numbered. Business will go through a fundamental reassessment of values and motivations, because the evolution of consciousness is not limited to the weak and the poor. It is touching everyone who is prepared to open their mind and go with the gathering flow.

I wish to emphasize again that in my critique of our economic system I am not condemning or judging people. I am challenging the thought patterns that control the people who serve the System. Managing directors living their lives under the daily and growing pressures of serving balance sheets and growth figures are as much victims of this madness as those they employ, or don’t employ, on the factory floor. We’re the sheep and the shepherds. No bueno.

With every day, more of the ‘winners’ are finding their work unfulfilling and without meaning. Their true selves are rising to the surface and new views and values are entering their consciousness. As this continues, they will be asking many questions they have never asked before.

These questions will include:”What is my business really here for? What are we really here for? Is it merely to accumulate money as fast as possible? Is that all that life is about? Are we here to be terrified of not selling more things every year?”

I know that a lot business executives are already asking these questions and they are realizing that they are victims also.

The new business that will emerge from the ashes of the old will be there to serve rather than exploit and it will judge its success by these criteria:

(1) Is the process of producing, distributing, and selling the product damaging in any way to the planet and the natural life support systems?
(2) Is the business exploiting the world rather than making a contribution to healing the world, serving human need, and making it a better place for all people and life-forms?
(3) Is the business harming or exploiting animals mentally, emotionally or physically and causing them pain and stress of any kind?
(4) Is the business exploiting people to maximize profits? Is it paying them less than their work is worth because I can use my economic power to make them accept whatever they are offered? Am I exploiting my suppliers or weaker countries and peoples by abusing my economic power over them?
(5) For the business to win, does it require that other people or countries must lose?
(6) Do those working in the business feel a part of the decision making process and empowered to release their full creativity, or do they feel their creativity has to conform to some rigid corporate structure in which the maximization of profit is the only driving force?

If the answer to any of those questions is ‘yes’ then we are looking at a business that is going to be submerged in the changing consciousness in the collective mind of the human race.

The new “businesses” will seek to ensure that economic activity leads to everyone winning from any situation and that includes the Earth. The new businesses will have no rigid structures. Instead it will evolve its ways of working and operation from foundation values like caring, sharing, compassion, environmental responsibility, love in its widest sense, peace, harmony, truth, justice, and respect.

From these principles each business will evolve in ways that best suit its community and the people involved. Diversity and variety will replace the centralized uniformity of today. You can go to almost any city in the world and see the same names and shop fronts, all coordinated by some centralized multi-national corporation. McDonald’s is a real estate company, not a food company. Look around.

One culture created in the United States is being imposed upon the whole of humanity with the bulk of the profits going back to head office at the expense of the local people and their indigenous culture. The kind of changes described here will put a stop to this cancerous expansion.

People more and more will begin looking for individual designs that allow them to express their individuality. It may appear to be a contradiction, but the move towards an understanding of the Oneness of all consciousness will lead to a desire by people to express themselves in ways that emphasize the infinite variety within that Whole.

The re-balancing of the planet is happening on all levels and affecting all things. The re-connection of lower and higher self will lead to a re-balancing of economics and business practice. Those who try to continue with the old methods and motivations will find themselves struggling to sell their products.

The System has been created to appeal to the five physical senses. I’ve explained before that there are more than your 5 senses. Products and advertising have been geared to this and the 5 senses have largely made the decision on what and where to buy. Now other senses are coming into play. These are the higher senses that work through the intuition. They are often referred to in every day conversation as a ‘sixth sense’, although there are many levels of them.

These are becoming more influential in decision-making as people awaken. Everything is energy and absorbs energy. The energy in a production process is transferred to the product and that energy, consciousness, will reflect the intent behind the product. If the intent is only to make as much money as possible, the product will carry that thought pattern. If the production involves environmental degradation, that, too, will be in the energy field of the product.

This has not really mattered to companies so far because the 5  senses do not relate directly to that energy field of the product. They relate to its feel, smell, taste, look or sound. But as growing millions become more sensitive to higher levels of themselves, they will be tuning into the energy fields of everything and everyone – including products in the shops. They will sense on these intuitive levels the intent behind a product.

They won’t be saying:

‘Oh I’ll buy this pair of jeans because I can sense that the intent of the company is to serve, not exploit’.

They will simply pick one product and not another because their intuition will encourage them to do so. They won’t know why they are choosing that product. They will just do it. This will mean big trouble for those companies which produce with negative intent and they will be racking their brains trying to work out why people are rejecting their goods when there appears to be no explainable reason why this should suddenly be so.

There will be two stages in the transformation of economics and business.

The first stage will be the acceleration in the break down of the old and the attempts by the brotherhood to use that situation to bring in their World Central Bank and one currency. From the chaos that will follow this period, the new will emerge. There will be a great deal of stories, lies and immediate reacting to these events. It will be a time when a modern day bartering system will be essential and we will have to help each other on the basis of need, not want. New technologies will be discovered that will transform our lives. This technology will give us all the power and warmth we need without touching or harming the physical Earth – and it is technology that already exists.

The second stage will see the consolidation of the new “economics” and technologies, as the old fades to become history at long last. As the decades of the next century come and go and the frequencies go on rising, humanity will build a new world of amazing and wondrous potential. What we would call miracles today, will be a part of everyday life for all of us.

I cannot stress enough the importance of distinguishing between the transition period and the world that will follow. Yes, of course, there will be traumatic times. This always happens when one era is replaced rapidly by another. I can see shortages of food and people overall bugging out. But the transformation to a higher consciousness is not leading us back to caves, hardship and struggle. Don’t worry.

If you want a system that brings hardship and struggle, then stick with the present one. That delivers both guaranteed. The transformation is guiding us to an era of abundance in the next century. When the destructive ways have been replaced and the System’s control is dismantled, the Earth will be abundant in her gifts of food and beauty. Love will replace hate, and cooperation will replace competition. The present system does not want abundance. Its power is in an illusion of scarcity. That increases the price, the profit, and the ability to control everything and everyone.

We will see that life is meant to be a joy. We are not here to be victims and it wasn’t supposed to be like this. Deep down beneath the layers of conditioning, the programmed people know this is true and the memories of that truth are beginning to stir within their hearts and the vision to think for themselves is being seen.

Knowledge and understanding is starting to surface. Look at the global protests and revolutions. Not everyone will make that choice, and perhaps the majority will not. But many will and they will be the ones to change the world. Change and necessity shall free all our pent-up, locked-up, creativity, love, and passion for living. We will see human nature in its fullest and most glorious expression. We will discover potential within us that we never believed possible. Humans are not sinners who must find Jesus to be ‘saved’.

We’ve been misguided and misdirected by a disconnection from our true selves, that’s all. The re-connection into Wholeness will bring a transformation of outlook and values that will rid this planet of the ills that currently overwhelm human consciousness. It will also wrest control from the forces that seek to destroy.

All is thought and thought is all. Nothing happens in the physical world which has not been preceded by a thought. Physical actions are manifestations of thought. If thought is imbalanced and destructive, then the physical world will be. If thought is balanced, loving, and constructive, then that is the society that will emerge.

We create our own reality, and that is why inner vision is so important. The greater the vision the greater the reality. The old vision had money, production, and exploitation as its focus. That is the reality it has created. The new vision is about respect and love for all life and all that is creation.

a dream I had last night. about hip-hop.

I had a dream last night that I was walking in my old neighborhood of Washington Heights, around good ol’ Ellwood Ave. The backstreet of Ellwood Ave. though, where only ppl that knew the dudes on Ellwood, were allowed to walk. I was being offered weed from chubby Asian dudes in basement alleys, but I clenched my fist and felt a $20 bag in my hand, so I knew I was good. As I kept walking I saw dudes playing street football and chicks were lined up on the sidewalk chattering, gossiping, hanging out, as they usually did. There was Jessamyn, a girl from my high school. She didn’t even live in my neighborhood, but here she was on Ellwood in my dream. Weird.  She looked more like a pre-teen though, and skinnier, too.

I seemed to walk into a dead end, which magically appeared, so of course, I pulled out my cellphone to fake a phone call (like most people do when they’re embarrassed), and I turned around to walk back in the direction I had just came. I noticed I had in fact passed some sort of exit, which somehow spat me out on the corner of Fort Tryon Park, across the street from my old block, Hillside Ave.

I put away my phone as I approached my block, when all of a sudden I was back inside my old apartment on Bogardus Place, but I was with all of my friends and somehow there was a movie theater-type room in my house, where we were all watching some sort of a commercial/preview of a rapper that was down with the Hit Squad. I can’t remember the name of the rapper (Rusty Jux? – not the Duck Down Recordings dude), but I did get this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia in my dream, while watching this clip. The commercial had all of the rappers from that era in it, bigging up this one rapper (not me) and it was like a montage of comments, from different famous rappers. I remember Erick Sermon, LL Cool J, etc., were in the commercial, among others. In one shot, someone commented on the rapper and was immediately jigged jail-style for some reason, by the rapper.

Yes. This was an odd dream. Most of my dreams are becoming more and more vivid, since my baby was born. Probably because my sleep pattern has changed so dramatically. I’m writing this post because I came away with such a feeling of love that I had for the hip-hop in that past era. So, I decided today that I’d post a few of those wonderful videos/songs that made me appreciate hip-hop so much way back when. Personally, I think pretty much all of the signed “famous” rappers of this generation suck. You don’t have to name rappers of today to me, to defend this generation’s rappers. I don’t care who you name. Nobody today, in my opinion, is saying anything dope, or new, or inventive, like rappers back in the day. The anticipation people felt back then when a Hit Squad member was dropping an album, or a buncha rappers from different labels jumped on a track together back then, will never be felt again. At least…not from anyone rapping today that’s signed. I know a lot of unsigned rappers that are ill…but, shit ain’t like it used to be. And I know, things can’t stay the same or be how they were, but I just don’t think it’s gotten any better.

Consequences. Lessons. Forgiveness. Intuition.

the energy of fear, attracts like energy, and so what you fear becomes what you physically experience. see?

like…fear of being without money becomes the circumstances in which you are without money. think about it.

a strong fear of being alone, rejected or attacked all become that physical experience for you. it’s the law homies.

you created the present reality that you don’t like, so you can just as easily create a new reality that you do like.

only by loving yourself for what you are, can you begin to truly love others for what they are.

mind power is stronger than you think.

when we open our hearts to love, the heart chakra spins with crazy speed & power, whipping up the frequency of our incarnate consciousness

the super-fast, short, wavelength of love also activates the ‘antenna’ in our DNA, which reconnects us with the cosmos. avatar shit b.

an open heart chakra tunes into the cosmic pulse from everything & transmits that changing “drumbeat” to our brain & every cell in your body

but you gotta focus. every nanosecond. to emit love. like…be corny. just love everything. even “bad” shit. fuck it. just love it.

it seems silly to love stubbing your toe or to be having a shitty day or to not find a parking spot, etc. but love it. it’s all life lessons

when the majority of humans do that & outnumber the fear, hate, guilt, resentment, poor me feelings, etc., we’ll raise the vibration.

this leap in our personal frequencies will lift us out of the vibrational pit of fear we’ve been in & onto new realities we can’t imagine.

to WANT to go through a door you know is there, and have the key in your hand, and not wanna turn it because it takes effort is dumb to me.

our evolutionary process is about love, not punishment. evolution doesn’t punish us for our actions. it gives us the consequences

consequences are just lessons. to help you evolve. the fact that you woke up this morning is proof that you’re still here learning. growing.

we’re loved along this journey by consciousness levels which seek to help us to become more loving and more enlightened..

our choice is how many of these experiences we need before we learn and move on. a lot of people are stuck on old shit. i was. still can be.

i mean really? wars, hunger, and suffering is cool with everyone? everybody wouldn’t rather just try to change all this shit?

or are we going to stay where we are and face another cycle of incarnation and reincarnation until another opportunity comes to fix this?

i forgive anyone who ever did any harm to me. sincerely.

i forgive corners of table when i smash into ’em. i forgive people who give me the wrong change. i forgive someone cutting me off in traffic.

NOTHING is ever that serious to not allow the heart chakra to keep spinning. feeling good to me is more important than feeling victimized.

if we take back our power and set ourselves free from impositions of thought, beliefs & lifestyle, it doesn’t matter what the elitists do.

we gotta let go of our fear of what other people think of us, and express our uniqueness of view and lifestyle that doesn’t hurt anyone.

we gotta allow everyone else to do the same without fear of being ridiculed or condemned for being different. let’s all just live b.

we gotta stop being sheep dogs herding the flock. we’re doing the shepherd’s work for him. and i ain’t talking jesus yo.

gotta clear the channel to our higher consciousness, so we can connect with the highest levels of our wisdom, love and inspiration.

when we get ourselves right, the world must come correct, because we are the world and the world is us.

society is the sum total of human thinking & feeling. we create everything. from the structures around us to the situations we go through.

someone thinks about making a building where an empty hole is…and a building was built. first the thought, then the structure.

you think about lifting your finger. your finger rises. same shit. if everyone collectively “thought” different, and tolerated less…BOOM.

the all-powerful creative force inside us can’t be suppressed, so it comes out in an imbalanced way, full of anger, despair or frustration

so we have violence and the demand for drugs and alcohol to shut off the emotional pain. and the elitists know it. so they feed that need

they allow drugs in by the boatloads through their sea ports that they monitor, and into our communities. liquor stores on every corner yo.

the elitists have always known about esoteric knowledge and hide it, so they know what we’re capable of, stifle us. with nonsense & crap.

if my mom and dad were blue-bloods that had info passed to them, of course they’d pass it to me to preserve it. if we’re all assholes

“we know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”

but they can’t fuck with ya heart b. that’s where we feel from. where we balance the other chakra wheels from. it leads to intuition.

how often has what you think and what you instinctively felt been in conflict? exactly. exactly.

intuition doesn’t follow society rules and norms so following ya gut could lead you to some pain & new challenges, but so what?

intuition will always lead you to do what is best for you and your eternal journey of evolution, through experiences. THAT is SWAG.

intellect keeps you grounded, stores and processes this 3D world information that we digest. but don’t let it control your daily shit.

intellect is there to make physical the guidance and inspiration OF the intuitions that you feel. re-read this. digest it. live this shit b.

feel an intuitive message. the mind processes it. fights it for a second because of our programming. but it then tells the body what to do.

something just “feels” right, or it doesn’t. there’s no brain farts involved. no hashing, re-hashing the feeling. you just…feel.

there’s a healing going on, and for the healing to start, the cause of the disease has to be addressed. notice any global protests? i do.

see any revolutions in some countries? uprisings? toppling of dictators? crumbling of illusory systems? protests anywhere? i do.

we create our own reality and control our own destiny and the way we do that, is overwhelmingly through our intent. intuition.

if we focus our intent on specific goals, what we need to do to achieve those goals will always come as one vibrational pattern…

…that vibrational pattern attracts reflections of itself in people, experiences and opportunities that “coincidentally” happen to us

but i been told you. there’s no coincidence. only synchronicity.

often when ppl are faced with what they need to do to achieve their goal, they suddenly think that it wasn’t such a good idea after all tho

the reason we face personal and emotional mayhem when we start our journey is because of the need to clean out the emotional debris first.

can’t ask for something, then when opportunities for you to get it start coming, you turn around & say “too hard” or “too painful”. nah

you magnetically attract things you focus on. when you fear stuff, you pull it to you. when you want stuff badly, genuinely, you pull it to you.

you don’t always decide what those opportunities to get what you want look like. you have to see ALL of them, bad or good, as opportunities.

a few can only control billions, because the billions let it happen. we wanna be controlled. so we are. collectively. by the system we made.

when you change your attitudes and state of being you change the whole of you, because you are part of the whole, indeed you are the whole.

Echo’s book club


Ok folks. Let’s get this awesome book club underway. Many people on Twitter, and IG, have been hitting me up for awhile, asking me to start a book club, or just asking me for book recommendations. I’m going to offer up these two choices (see above) and let folks who want to be down with the book club, decide which to start reading.

I’ll post a few questions in the next post, depending on which book we unanimously (or as close to that) choose, to kind of get us all started with a “dialogue”. People can then simply leave comments/questions in the comment section of the post. After that point, I’ll decide if we jump to a periodic Skype group chat, or a Gmail conversation between us all, etc.

“Manuscript Found in Accra is a novel by Paulo Coelho. The action is placed in 1099 in Jerusalem while the city awaits the invasion of the crusaders. Inside the city’s walls, men and women gathered to hear the wise words of a mysterious greek man– known as the Copt. The people begin with questions about their fears, true enemies, defeat and struggle.”


“The Bhagavad Gita (Sanskrit: श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता, Śrīmadbhagavadgītā) is a 700-verse scripture that is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata. It is a sacred text of the Hindus.
The Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide Lord Krishna. Facing the duty to kill his relatives, Arjuna is “exhorted by his charioteer, Kṛiṣhṇa, among others, to stop hesitating and fulfill his Kṣatriya (warrior) duty as a warrior and kill.”

Galactic Alignments

the solar system is completing its “minor cycle” that takes approximately 26,000 years, known as the precession of the equinoxes.

our milky way galaxy is completing the cycle around the Pleiades system, and that takes roughly 230 million years.

our galaxy is also completing the cycle around the Pleiades great central sun (Alcyone), which took around 16 billion years

no wonder Jesus and religion has been so batty this AGE. we’ve been in the age of Pisces. the fish. we’ve been in this age since 1A.D. until 2150 A.D.

the sun will rise in alignment with Aquarius, in 2150 AD. the age of Aquarius begins in 2150 AD, and goes on until 4300 AD. dig that.

from 1A.D. – 2150 A.D. the sun is rising in alignment with the Pisces constellation. we’ve been in THAT age. it’s only 2013. we got 137 yrs to go.

from 4300 BC – 2150 BC the sun rose in alignment with the Taurus constellation.

from 2150 BC – 1AD, the sun rose in alignment with Aries

so for 26,000 years the sun rose has been rising in alignment with each constellation/zodiac sign/age. then it goes backwards through each one

precession of equinoxes. precession, is backwards. the sun rises in alignment with different constellations in the sky. backwards.

each age lasts 2150 years. we’ve been in the middle of the age of Pisces. have been in it. approaching the age of Aquarius.

the constellations go backwards slowly throughout time & it takes 26,000 years for the sun to go through all of the houses/ages.

every 2,150 years, the sunrise in the morning of the spring equinox occurs in a different zodiac sign

last year we started to see our solar system come into perfect synchronous alignment with the galactic equator of the Milky Way, and Pleiades system.

this year will mark the completion of a 75,000 year galactic cycle and a 25,000 year planetary cycle. give or take a year. lol

Ian Xel Lungold, who has worked on decoding the Maya information, said the following, about cycles per the Maya:

‘A very brief example; the beginning of the 5th [cycle] of Creation’s pattern was 102,000 years ago. This is when our ancestors learned to speak. Advancements in technology took approx. 7,900 years each. The 6th [cycle] began in 3115 BC and this is when we learned to write. Changes in technology took place about every 396 years.

The 7th [cycle] started 1755 AD. Here was the invention of the mail service, the printing press, newspapers and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Major tech advances were achieved every 19.7 years. The beginning of the 8th [cycle] was Jan 5th 1999. Now we have the Internet and instant communications world wide.

The same amounts of technical advancements now occur every 360 days

Cellular cycle
beginning 16.4 billion years ago, developed the consciousness of Action/Reaction.

Mammalian cycle
beginning 820 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Response.

Familial cycle
beginning 41 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Stimulus/Individual Response.

Tribal cycle
beginning 2 million years ago, developed the consciousness of Similarities/Differences.

Cultural cycle
beginning 102,000 years ago, developed the consciousness of Reason.

National cycle
beginning in the year 3115 B.C., developed the consciousness of Law.

Planetary cycle
beginning in the year 1755 A.D., developed the consciousness of Power.

Galactic cycle
beginning January 5, 1999, developing the consciousness of Ethics.

Universal cycle
beginning February 10, 2011 [or in that period of 2011/2012], will be developing the unlimited ability of Conscious Co-Creation.



Illuminati is a term. not one organization on paper. it just means illuminated ones. ppl that happen to know shit that many others, don’t.

illuminated ones such as certain families, political leaders, religious leaders, secret facets outside of government, etc., are “Illuminati”.

mystery schools that found & stole early information of what we are & what all this means & how to make it work.

they taught it to chosen ones. to carry on the knowledge. some leak it. some keep it. it’s been happening forever.

many have become drunk with the power so they hoard it. the info. they only pass it on to their genealogical relatives.

there have been mystery schools that had the name Illuminati in their titles. but this isn’t one group. it’s many, many groups & subgroups.

ppl that learned of ways to uplift ourselves also know how to reverse that energy to imprison us.

to egos running wild, power is supreme. so that’s all those egos want.

sure, someone can say I’m wrong. but that right there, is proof that I’m right.

because the fact that there’s concrete proof for something and someone would still deny it, shows that the programming is thick.

“proof of what echo?!!” that something secret, controls all this shit.

that doesn’t sit well with me. which is why i live my life uncovering and exposing. sharing. learning.

ppl waste their time seeking certain “papers”, not realizing the answers to everything are right inside of us. literally. and figuratively.

don’t get all twisted & scared about Illuminati. all it means is there are ppl that had access to knowledge & passed it to each other.

they just think the rest of the ppl are too stupid to get it. we’re not to be trusted with the info. AND you can have power over many ppl too.

Illuminati have information we don’t. it’s privileged info, they feel. some of it handed down to them by aliens, that helped create us.

secret societies like the Royal Society, Bavarian Illuminati, Knights of Malta, etc., all hoard this info.

The Royal Society was created in 1662 by Charles II. an assembly of world scientists & engineers.

Isaac Newton became a member of the Royal Society in 1672. remember what he did?? think hard.

if there are ppl that have information/knowledge about things that can save your life, wouldn’t you kinda believe them, if its been proven?

a minority on this planet run the majority & ppl refuse to believe it because it sounds “silly”. sounds smart to me. FOOLED everyone.

the Rothschild family introduced banking into our world. Rothschild translates to Red Shield, in German. red shield, was a Templar symbol.

Knights of Templar symbols include a red cross on a white background. now where have you seen that symbol today?

in 1776,  the Bavarian Illuminati was born.

a lit torch represents an illuminated one. Illuminati. think about where you’ve seen lit torches in symbols around you.

Texaco logo. a pentagram with a Tau Cross in it. or a Freemason T square. Exxon is a “double cross” logo.

peep an Arco logo one day when you drive by it. it’s the top of a pyramid as if you’re looking down at it, from above.

ever take a good look at the United Nations logo? 33 sections within the circle. i know what 33 represents. do you? you should.

funny. Amoco used to have a torch as their logo. like the Statue of Liberty does. and Amoco merged with BP.  oh.

look at the numbers involved in playing cards and the colors, suits of cards, etc. its not a game man. 13, 52, 365, etc. programming.

Olympics were once held in Atlanta. ever wonder why? Brotherhood symbolism. Atlanta was a goddess/huntress that no man can beat. worship. rituals.

there’s an eternal flame (torch, illumination) on the Diana & JFK grave sites. Statue of Liberty too. Colombia Pictures. Amoco. etc.

it goes on, and on.