198 Methods of Nonviolent Action



198 Methods of Nonviolent Action. – Gene Sharp.

Practitioners of nonviolent struggle have an entire arsenal of “nonviolent weapons” at their disposal.

Listed below are 198 of them, classified into three broad categories: nonviolent protest and persuasion, noncooperation (social, economic, and political), and nonviolent intervention. A description and historical examples of each can be found in volume two of The Politics of Nonviolent Action by Gene Sharp.

The Methods of Nonviolent Protest and Persuasion

Formal Statements
 1. Public Speeches
 2. Letters of opposition or support
 3. Declarations by organizations and institutions
 4. Signed public statements
 5. Declarations of indictment and intention
 6. Group or mass petitions

Communications with a Wider Audience
 7. Slogans, caricatures, and symbols
 8. Banners, posters, and displayed communications
 9. Leaflets, pamphlets, and books
 10. Newspapers and journals
 11. Records, radio, and television
 12. Skywriting and earthwriting

Group Representations
 13. Deputations
 14. Mock awards
 15. Group lobbying
 16. Picketing
 17. Mock elections

Symbolic Public Acts
 18. Displays of flags and symbolic colors
 19. Wearing of symbols
 20. Prayer and worship
 21. Delivering symbolic objects
 22. Protest disrobings
 23. Destruction of own property
 24. Symbolic lights
 25. Displays of portraits
 26. Paint as protest
 27. New signs and names
 28. Symbolic sounds
 29. Symbolic reclamations
 30. Rude gestures

Pressures on Individuals
 31. "Haunting" officials
 32. Taunting officials
 33. Fraternization
 34. Vigils

Drama and Music
 35. Humorous skits and pranks
 36. Performances of plays and music
 37. Singing

 38. Marches
 39. Parades
 40. Religious processions
 41. Pilgrimages
 42. Motorcades

Honoring the Dead
 43. Political mourning
 44. Mock funerals
 45. Demonstrative funerals
 46. Homage at burial places

Public Assemblies
 47. Assemblies of protest or support
 48. Protest meetings
 49. Camouflaged meetings of protest
 50. Teach-ins

Withdrawal and Renunciation
 51. Walk-outs
 52. Silence
 53. Renouncing honors
 54. Turning one’s back
 The Methods of Social Noncooperation

Ostracism of Persons
 55. Social boycott
 56. Selective social boycott
 57. Lysistratic nonaction
 58. Excommunication
 59. Interdict

Noncooperation with Social Events, Customs, and Institutions
 60. Suspension of social and sports activities
 61. Boycott of social affairs
 62. Student strike
 63. Social disobedience
 64. Withdrawal from social institutions

Withdrawal from the Social System
 65. Stay-at-home
 66. Total personal noncooperation
 67. "Flight" of workers
 68. Sanctuary
 69. Collective disappearance
 70. Protest emigration (hijrat)

The Methods of Economic Noncooperation: Economic Boycotts

Actions by Consumers
 71. Consumers’ boycott
 72. Nonconsumption of boycotted goods
 73. Policy of austerity
 74. Rent withholding
 75. Refusal to rent
 76. National consumers’ boycott
 77. International consumers’ boycott

Action by Workers and Producers
 78. Workmen’s boycott
 79. Producers’ boycott

Action by Middlemen
 80. Suppliers’ and handlers’ boycott

Action by Owners and Management
 81. Traders’ boycott
 82. Refusal to let or sell property
 83. Lockout
 84. Refusal of industrial assistance
 85. Merchants’ "general strike"

Action by Holders of Financial Resources
 86. Withdrawal of bank deposits
 87. Refusal to pay fees, dues, and assessments
 88. Refusal to pay debts or interest
 89. Severance of funds and credit
 90. Revenue refusal
 91. Refusal of a government’s money

Action by Governments
 92. Domestic embargo
 93. Blacklisting of traders
 94. International sellers’ embargo
 95. International buyers’ embargo
 96. International trade embargo

The Methods of Economic Noncooperation: The Strike

Symbolic Strikes
 97. Protest strike
 98. Quickie walkout (lightning strike)

Agricultural Strikes
 99. Peasant strike
 100. Farm Workers’ strike

Strikes by Special Groups
 101. Refusal of impressed labor
 102. Prisoners’ strike
 103. Craft strike
 104. Professional strike

Ordinary Industrial Strikes
 105. Establishment strike
 106. Industry strike
 107. Sympathetic strike

Restricted Strikes
 108. Detailed strike
 109. Bumper strike
 110. Slowdown strike
 111. Working-to-rule strike
 112. Reporting "sick" (sick-in)
 113. Strike by resignation
 114. Limited strike
 115. Selective strike

Multi-Industry Strikes
 116. Generalized strike
 117. General strike
Combination of Strikes and Economic Closures
 118. Hartal
 119. Economic shutdown
 The Methods of Political Noncooperation

Rejection of Authority
 120. Withholding or withdrawal of allegiance
 121. Refusal of public support
 122. Literature and speeches advocating resistance

Citizens’ Noncooperation with Government
 123. Boycott of legislative bodies
 124. Boycott of elections
 125. Boycott of government employment and positions
 126. Boycott of government departments, agencies, and other bodies
 127. Withdrawal from government educational institutions
 128. Boycott of government-supported organizations
 129. Refusal of assistance to enforcement agents
 130. Removal of own signs and placemarks
 131. Refusal to accept appointed officials
 132. Refusal to dissolve existing institutions

Citizens’ Alternatives to Obedience
 133. Reluctant and slow compliance
 134. Nonobedience in absence of direct supervision
 135. Popular nonobedience
 136. Disguised disobedience
 137. Refusal of an assemblage or meeting to disperse
 138. Sitdown
 139. Noncooperation with conscription and deportation
 140. Hiding, escape, and false identities
 141. Civil disobedience of "illegitimate" laws

Action by Government Personnel
 142. Selective refusal of assistance by government aides
 143. Blocking of lines of command and information
 144. Stalling and obstruction
 145. General administrative noncooperation
 146. Judicial noncooperation
 147. Deliberate inefficiency and selective noncooperation by
 enforcement agents
 148. Mutiny

Domestic Governmental Action
 149. Quasi-legal evasions and delays
 150. Noncooperation by constituent governmental units

International Governmental Action
 151. Changes in diplomatic and other representations
 152. Delay and cancellation of diplomatic events
 153. Withholding of diplomatic recognition
 154. Severance of diplomatic relations
 155. Withdrawal from international organizations
 156. Refusal of membership in international bodies
 157. Expulsion from international organizations

The Methods of Nonviolent Intervention

Psychological Intervention
 158. Self-exposure to the elements
 159. The fast
 a) Fast of moral pressure
 b) Hunger strike
 c) Satyagrahic fast
 160. Reverse trial
 161. Nonviolent harassment

Physical Intervention
 162. Sit-in
 163. Stand-in
 164. Ride-in
 165. Wade-in
 166. Mill-in
 167. Pray-in
 168. Nonviolent raids
 169. Nonviolent air raids
 170. Nonviolent invasion
 171. Nonviolent interjection
 172. Nonviolent obstruction
 173. Nonviolent occupation

Social Intervention
 174. Establishing new social patterns
 175. Overloading of facilities
 176. Stall-in
 177. Speak-in
 178. Guerrilla theater
 179. Alternative social institutions
 180. Alternative communication system

Economic Intervention
 181. Reverse strike
 182. Stay-in strike
 183. Nonviolent land seizure
 184. Defiance of blockades
 185. Politically motivated counterfeiting
 186. Preclusive purchasing
 187. Seizure of assets
 188. Dumping
 189. Selective patronage
 190. Alternative markets
 191. Alternative transportation systems
 192. Alternative economic institutions

Political Intervention
 193. Overloading of administrative systems
 194. Disclosing identities of secret agents
 195. Seeking imprisonment
 196. Civil disobedience of "neutral" laws
 197. Work-on without collaboration
 198. Dual sovereignty and parallel government

Let’s Fully Automate The City Of Detroit

AbandonedHouseDelray                               An abandoned house in Delray, Detroit.

The city of Detroit has gone through a major economic and demographic decline in recent decades. The population of the city has fallen from a high of 1,850,000 in 1950 to 701,000 in 2013. The automobile industry in Detroit has suffered from global competition and has moved much of the remaining production out of Detroit. Some of the highest crime rates in America are now occurring in Detroit, and huge areas of the city are in a state of severe urban decay. In 2013, Detroit filed the largest municipal bankruptcy case in U.S. history.

I recently thought to myself, we should automate the entire city of Detroit.

City planners could get together, a planned out budget could be given to the city by the Federal government, and the entire city could be restructured to where as close to 99% of the city would be automated, as far as homes, factories, businesses, markets, etc., and we should see how practically suspending human manual labor could work.

The city could begin producing many different things to sell & export nationally and internationally (obviously vehicles, but not the same bullshit cars made the same bullshit way), and whatever revenue/profit is made could be pooled, some “divvied up” and given to all the citizens as a ‘fair monthly salary’ of sorts for personal expenditures, and some used to build infrastructure & to supply the citizens with basic human necessities such as solar power for their entire homes (built by 3D printers) to provide energy, electricity, etc., and food and water.

“Interdisciplinary Teams” of newly trained technicians would oversee the entire automated system and orient research projects to continue growth, efficiency and local social evolution. Ideally, no more than 5% of the Detroit population would likely be needed to run the show. Everyone else gets to be free to learn, try new things, teach their kids, be with their families, grow, evolve, etc., instead of being wage slaves. The only people really “working” in Detroit would be the computers and robots, which never need vacation, smoke breaks, or sick days off.

Think about it.

No Such Thing As Human Nature


let’s knock down this wall ppl have up, claiming there’s such thing as a…human nature.

ppl LOVE to say that that humans are inherently competitive, greedy and blindly self-serving. this is what i hear all the time.

and that this human nature is why the sort of world i describe with abundance, no money or need for ownership, cooperation, etc., won’t work

it’s defined as: “the shared psychological attributes of humankind that are assumed to be shared by all human beings”.

so i’m supposed to believe that we’re all supposedly born with some preset psychological inclinations? lol

there’s no such thing as human nature. there’s only human behavior.

what IS inherent in all of us is cooperation actually, not competition. because cooperation is what brought you into this world.

from ya parents fucking, to a room full of ppl helping deliver you into this world.

if you look at the historical record of the human species, we see wars, genocides, conquests and power abuses so i see why you’re misled

of course you think it’s human nature for all humans to inherently be competitive, greedy and blindly self-serving. but you’re mistaken.

it’s the the environment in which one is raised that determines this which is why human behavior exist. not human nature.

competitive, greedy and being blindly self-serving, are learned behaviors. they’re not inherent in all human beings.

Aztecs engaged in mass human sacrifice for their gods, killing tens of thousands at a time. was this criminal activity? to us maybe.

to them it was an accepted social custom. see how that works?

slavery was accepted socially once on this planet? today, it’s horrible to think of ppl owning slaves, right? see?

is a criminal someone who steals food in order to feed his starving family? or is the criminal the system making him do this?

geneticists have never found a gene responsible for competitive, greedy and blindly self-serving behavior in human beings.

but geneticists have found that neurologically, chemicals are produced of joy and love, when humans behave cooperatively.

THAT is inherent in us, because it’s how we fucking got here bro.

when someone talks to you about about human nature being competitive and greedy & we can never have a different world than this…

…tell them to shut the fuck up.

never ceases to amaze me how i can tell ppl that there’s a better system possible than the one you’ve existed in and it would help you…

…and their response is “not possible” without even researching that it actually IS possible and that everything they thought about ppl…

…is WRONG.

The Unselfish Gene – Harvard Business Review @HarvardBiz http://hbr.org/2011/07/the-unselfish-gene/

Origins of life: The cooperative gene http://go.nature.com/I1QwsK

Genetic similarity promotes cooperation: Study of simple organisms reveals preference for those who resemble themselves http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/04/120418204358.htm

Earth battery

Earth batteries were used extensively around the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century to power telegraph lines. They were buried in convenient locations along the power lines and supplied free current for that infrastructure. The technology was discarded and replaced with hydroelectric because hydro was a measurable, finite resource that industry could use to make money. Much like oil.

The earth battery bears a resemblance to the common chemical/acid battery you may be familiar with, if you’ve ever torn apart a battery or done science experiments. Basically, the battery consists of two metal sheets or rods: one copper or carbon, and the other zinc or aluminum (galvanized steel is a zinc surface), each with wires running from them.

These are negative (-) and positive (+) terminals of the battery. Once these metals are buried in soil (at a distance of 1-10 feet), you will have measurable current between your terminals.

Single earth battery

Earth batteries in series

The average single earth battery produces about 0.8 volts.

Some say that to obtain the best current, the rods/sheets should be positioned in a North (copper) to South (zinc) alignment, but it actually doesn’t matter.

There are a few ways to increase your available current with an earth battery setup:

  1. Size and number

    This is basically the ‘more is better’ principle – you vary the size of your rods/sheets, and how many of them you decide to bury in series. Using a larger surface of metal, and planting several of them in series, will deliver more telluric current.

  2. Efficiency

    Passing your current through a circuit and capacitor can improve the output and reliability of your voltage. A great example that is easy to set up is called the ‘joule thief’. This takes your direct current and oscillates it so that it actually delivers more usable energy than is actually available in the form of a direct stream.

  3. Magnification

    Current can be amplified by a number of salvaged devices and standalone equipment such as the common 12v-110v inverters used with car batteries and solar panels.

Homemade Water Filter


Being able to obtain and produce clean water is the first step in physical independence. In an ideal situation, you have access to free, natural sources of fresh water that require very little cleaning if any, such as glacial streams.

This is not going to be likely for most people, so you will have to be able to clean your water. As a transition step, you should get your hands on a 2 stage water filter with as many replacement filters as you can afford.

The kind of filters I’m talking about include a ceramic and carbon stage, such as the ones produced by Doulton or Katadyn.

In the long term, your goal should be to find and frequent locations that have natural sources of uncontaminated water which you can render safe with a basic filter you can make yourself, like the one I am about to describe.

This basic earth filter will clean out microbes and viruses so that you can drink safely.

You will need the following materials:

  • Two 4-5 gallon pails or containers with lids, such as a clean plastic paint drums you can get at the hardware store.

  • You will also need some plastic screen mesh (like for screen doors) or non-toxic loose knit fabric such as natural linen or monks cloth

  • Some silicone or other non-toxic caulking

  • A supply of loose pumice (lava rock)

  • Clean sand (beach sand)

  • Long green grass (the kind you used to run through or pluck and chew on as a kid). If you can’t find long grass, a substitute might be natural (non toxic) hemp rope.

  • Finally, you will need some black charcoal from burned wood (if there’s still some unburned wood in there, that’s ok). Don’t use barbeque charcoal or any other burning charcoal that has been treated with anything, or you will be poisoning yourself. If you’ve done any practicing, you will have learned how to camp and build fires by now, so you should have access to all the burnt wood charcoal you need.

Construction method:

1st barrel:

  • Near very the bottom of the barrel, make a small hole that you can plug up with a cork or valve (if you have one with a good tight seal)

  • Fill 1/3 of the drum with lava rock.

  • Cover this with a layer of plastic screen.

  • Fill the next 1/3 of the drum with clean sand.

  • Cover this layer with another layer of screen.

  • The final 1/3 should consist of a layer of the long grass, a substantial layer of the charcoal, and then a final layer of long grass on top of that. Twist and coil bunches of the grass to arrange even layers, and make sure your charcoal is well distributed and solid – its very important that there are no gaps or holes in this layer.

  • Add a layer of the screen on top of the grass/charcoal layers.

  • Don’t attach your lid yet – perforate it with 6-8 evenly spaced holes, and use it in the next stage.

Bottom Barrel                                          Top Barrel

2nd barrel:

  • Perforate the bottom of the 2nd barrel with 6-8 evenly spaced holes.

  • Run a thick line of silicone/caulking around the inside edge of the bottom of the barrel, and center this onto the lid of the 1st barrel (the holes don’t have to line up, in fact its better if they don’t)

  • Put something heavy inside the barrel so there is even pressure bearing down on the lid, and apply another line of silicone/caulking around the outside edge of the bottom of the barrel, where it meets the lid. Now you should have a well-sealed connection. Let these dry thoroughly.

  • When dry and firm, attach the upper section/lid onto the top of your 1st barrel, and take it somewhere where you can run some water through it to clear out the initial debris.

  • Pour 4-10 gallons through this filter (slowly) and let run out the drain at the bottom. The initial volume of water will carry out much of the loose particles and dust from your sand and pumice. For a while after this initial cleaning, some of these particles may continue to appear at the bottom of your glass to some degree, but they are not harmful.

Water is poured into the top bucket (the reservoir) and slowly trickles through the holes and into the filter bucket. Although it is portable, be careful not to carry it by the top bucket, as you could tear the silicone seal.

Although this is not a top of the line water filter, it is inexpensive to make and easy to put together.

It will last for years, and provide clean water for drinking, cooking, and washing. The key operating element here is the charcoal, so bear in mind that you may not catch chemicals and heavy metals with this.

Its main value is keeping out parasites and diseases.


what Echo wants


I want a world where technology is used to make the world better, more than it’s used to make the world worse.

I want a world where the focal point of living is not working to make money to be able to purchase the things that every human being needs to live.

I want a world where there is no war, and whatever problems that arise are settled by conversations, and are amicably resolved.

I want a world where the masses are represented wherever they live by people put in representative positions, that have those masses’ best interests at heart.

I want transparency when it comes to the people of Earth knowing exactly where all of our natural resources are.

I want those natural resources to be used to help every single living thing on Earth and that the planet is not damaged for those resources.

I want the world’s main energy source to be solar or free of some kind, because the universe provides in abundance for all.

I want a world where we are not bombarded by nonsense so that we’re able to fully remember what we are, why we’re here and where we’re going.

I want a world where there are no “isms”, no money, little to no crime & no manual labor.

I want a world based on cooperation, and not competition. The only place competition is truly necessary, is sports. And life ain’t sports.




Consciousness as integrated information: a provisional manifesto.
Tononi G.

Author information

Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. gtononi@wisc.edu


The integrated information theory (IIT) starts from phenomenology and makes use of thought experiments to claim that consciousness is integrated information.


(i) the quantity of consciousness corresponds to the amount of integrated information generated by a complex of elements;

(ii) the quality of experience is specified by the set of informational relationships generated within that complex. Integrated information (Phi) is defined as the amount of information generated by a complex of elements, above and beyond the information generated by its parts. Qualia space (Q) is a space where each axis represents a possible state of the complex, each point is a probability distribution of its states, and arrows between points represent the informational relationships among its elements generated by causal mechanisms (connections). Together, the set of informational relationships within a complex constitute a shape in Q that completely and univocally specifies a particular experience. Several observations concerning the neural substrate of consciousness fall naturally into place within the IIT framework. Among them are the association of consciousness with certain neural systems rather than with others; the fact that neural processes underlying consciousness can influence or be influenced by neural processes that remain unconscious; the reduction of consciousness during dreamless sleep and generalized seizures; and the distinct role of different cortical architectures in affecting the quality of experience. Equating consciousness with integrated information carries several implications for our view of nature.

Giulio Tononi is a neuroscientist and psychiatrist who holds the David P. White Chair in Sleep Medicine, as well as a Distinguished Chair in Consciousness Science, at the University of Wisconsin.

the Whole

Whole Earth Back Cover 1969

all consciousness and energy was once fused into an integrated whole.

this fusion came from multiverses separated by a Planck length.

when two multiverses touched…Big. Bang.

this Whole was aware of aspects of itself, but in a different way from individualized consciousness.

see, in Earth’s present development the self is recognized first, then society, and finally, maybe, the Whole, or what ppl call, God.

this is no bueno. know why? because separation from the Whole, is an illusion.

this illusion is a tool that provides the Whole with all the necessary lessons and challenges it needs.

it needed to forget it was once the Whole, so it can freely experience shit, in order to reintegrate back into the Whole, when it’s done learning.

before this fragmentation from the Whole, the Whole existed in another octave of dimensional reality bruh

portions of the Whole ‘wondered’ what it would be like to fragment & temporarily forgot integrated existence.

what ppl call “creation”, is the fragmentation i’m talmbout.

the Whole’s initial curiosity about a fragmented existence actually created reality itself, as we know it.

each soul, is a fragment of the Whole. it gave itself amnesia, AND freewill. if it were able to remember it was the Whole, it wouldn’t learn.

we’re each, and every living thing that has ever existed, part of the Whole.

we are “God”. see? a piece.

fragments of the Whole are entirely responsible for their actions during this state of amnesia. that’s part of the masterplan to reintegrate.

every action taken by a fragment (a soul) generates a response from the universe. this is key.

instead of punishments for negative behavior, there’s the option of expanding one’s awareness. this way, wisdom erases karma b.

see, it’s not necessarily the destination that counts, but the journey along the way. this is key.

they’re shutting off Detroit’s water

Detroit Citizens Vow Direct Action to Protect Their Right to Water City puts human rights under threat with water privatization scheme – Lauren McCauley

water_human_right_dwb(Photo via The Detroit Water Brigade)

Rallying on the steps of the Michigan governor’s office in Detroit, activists and religious leaders on Monday called for an immediate moratorium on the city’s plan to shut off water to tens of thousands of households.

“This is everybody’s fight, water is a human right!” the protesters chanted. In recent weeks, activists in Detroit have mobilized against the city’s efforts to cut off the water supply to 120,000 delinquent accounts, or over 300,000 city residents.

News of the shut-offs has spread following a statement issued last week by the United Nations that the city’s plan “constitutes a violation of the human right to water.” Now, with Detroit under the media microscope, activists are hoping that the state government halts its plan to deprive residents of this essential human right and instead adopt an affordable payment plan based on an individual’s income.

The threat has catalyzed many individuals and groups in the community to act. The Detroit Water Brigade, which has begun distributing water and information to Detroiters facing shut off, vowed: “We are prepared to take direct action to prevent shut-offs if the city does not immediately cease and desist.”

“The whole world is watching what is happening here and how Detroiters and their allies are responding to this human rights violation,” the DWB continued.

From June until September, the Detroit Water and Sewage Department (DWSD) will be cutting off citizens’ water supply at a rate of 3,000 per week. According to the department, 4,500 households have already been turned off.

Though many are framing the issue as an inability by city residents to pay their bills, advocates note that the residents are victims of “regressive” pricing scheme that, according to a 2013 report on local government spending on public water (PDF), “places a tremendous financial burden on the lower median income households in a community.”

Further, in the past ten years Detroit residents have seen water rates rise by 119 percent with the city council just last month approving an 8.7 percent rate increase. Many believe the rate hikes and imminent shut-offs are an attempt by Detroit Emergency Manager Kevin Orr to make the DWSD more appealing to potential investors in a bid to privatize the city’s utilities.

“With all eyes on Detroit, it’s important to realize what we’re seeing,” writes Anna Lappe, co-founder of the Small Planet Institute, in an op-ed published Monday. “A city water department cutting off residents appears—and is—extreme, but it’s a taste of what private water companies do.”