Here’s What Net Neutrality Means



To draw a simple example, take two content providers such as the Verizon website and the University of California website.  If net neutrality were upheld, both entities would pay their monthly fees to the network provider and if all else equal, any bit of information from the Verizon website will make the same trek as one from say the UC Berkeley website.  There would be no roadblocks or shortcuts any of the websites can take to make the end user desire their content more. 

However, without a neutral stance in what is carried over their pipes, network providers can choose to discriminate and decide how fast data will be transmitted and at what quality.  So in our example, say Verizon (which is also a network provider) chooses to prioritize their data over that of UC Berkeley.  Information from Verizon will then be more desirable to the end user since it is so much faster than the UC website.  The problem then arises when Verizon is trying to promote something opposed to that of the beliefs of the University of California.  Is it fair that Verizon has these advantages over the university?  What would happen if network providers bar content providers that they think have a conflict of interest from using higher speed networks?  What if the network providers degrade the service of specific content providers?  These are just some of the many questions that plague the net neutrality issue.  

What is net neutrality?

Net neutrality is the concept that all Internet traffic should be treated equally.

Internet service providers (ISPs) like Comcast or Verizon control how you access websites and content. Let’s use an old-school metaphor: the information superhighway. Think of ISPs as the freeway on which your content travels from a website to your home.

An Internet governed by net neutrality would bar ISPs from creating special toll lanes for fat cats. Everyone would have the same speed limit.

Isn’t that how things work now?

No, it is not. Right now, there is no regulation of how ISPs treat traffic from different websites. In 2010, the FCC enacted the Open Internet Order, which was built with three principles:

  • Transparency: ISPs should be open about how they handle traffic.
  • No blocking: As long as content is legal, an ISP is not allowed to block any site, service or device.
  • No unreasonable discrimination: ISPs are not allowed to favor some traffic over others.

But in January, the D.C. Court of Appeals struck down the rules that the FCC had put in place to ensure net neutrality. The court said the FCC does not have the authority to require ISPs to treat traffic equally. The court told the FCC it had overstepped its bounds and needed to rewrite the rules.

Today, the FCC will propose a new set of rules to regulate ISPs and attempt to re-establish net neutrality or something close to it. Net neutrality advocates worry that the new proposal will abandon the idea of net neutrality. The FCC says it is trying to create effective regulation.

Why does the FCC get to regulate the Internet?

No entity is in charge of regulating the Internet, but the FCC is as close as it gets in the United States. The agency oversees the ISPs, a role that makes it the watchdog of the Internet’s infrastructure.

An Internet toll road doesn’t sound so bad. What’s wrong with paying for a faster connection?

Worst-case scenario: the Internet becomes more like cable TV.

Net neutrality advocates argue that the Internet is a success because it is an equal-opportunity medium for innovators and startups. But if big companies like Amazon and Netflix pay for a quick connection, there would be little incentive for the ISPs to provide good connections to everyone else. A startup might not have much of a chance if most of the Internet has slowed to a crawl while Netflix streams smoothly.

Such a shift wouldn’t happen overnight, but critics contend that it would push the Internet toward a system akin to cable TV, where the service providers are the gatekeepers determining which content reaches consumers. Having enough money to pay ISPs would become essential to operating a successful website, meaning would do just fine but your sports blog wouldn’t.

Going back to our freeway metaphor: In an Internet where there’s a shiny, well-maintained series of lanes for companies like Netflix, your road could become a decrepit, crowded single lane that is barely operable.

And some content providers like Netflix, which accounts for a huge percentage of online traffic, don’t want to pay extra tolls.

The proposed rules are not final. The FCC is seeking input for 60 days, a period that will be followed by 57 days of reply — on how best to proceed to protect the Internet, including the potential to regulate Internet as a utility.

The FCC has asked for public comment on new rules about net neutrality.
Use this form to submit a comment to the FCC. Learn more about the FCC rulemaking process.


Central Intelligence Agency


“School of the Americas”

1959: the US helped install “Papa Doc” Duvalier, the Haitian dictator whose factions killed over 100,000. shoutout Forrest Whitaker

1961: CIA Operation Mongoose attempted and failed to overthrow Fidel Castro. whaddup Cuba.

in ’61, they also assassinated the Dominican Republic’s leader Rafael Trujillo & assassinated Zaire’s democratically elected Patrice Lumumba

oh and let’s not forget how the CIA staged a coup against Ecuador’s President Jose Velasco in ’61 too. big year for the spooks.

in 63 the CIA was back in DR and Ecuador performing military coups, overthrowing Juan Bosch and President Arosemana. cold.

1964: CIA-funded/armed coup that overthrew Brazil’s democratically elected Joao Goulart, replacing him with Dictator General Castelo Branco.

1965: the CIA performed coups in Indonesia & Zaire and installed military dictators; General Suharto in Indonesia killed a million+ ppl

in 1967 a CIA-backed coup overthrew the government of Greece & in 1968 they helped capture Che’ Guevara in Bolivia. viva Che’

1970: CIA overthrew Cambodia’s popular Prince Sahounek & in 1971 they backed a coup in Bolivia and installed Dictator Hugo Banzer.

1973: the CIA assassinated Chile’s democratically elected Salvador Allende and replaced him with General Augusto Pinochet

you get the picture. let’s not mention the Osama and Saddam situations. Desert Storm. Martin Luther King Jr. Huey. Malcolm. etc.


Exposure, bro


the word church comes from the Greek goddess of deception Circe, who lured men into her lair and transformed them into pigs. runtelldat

Vatican comes from Vaticinia which means “place of divination” or, “place of the sorcerers.” oh.

Rothschilds own Associated Press and Reuters, the two largest news organizations in the world. Rupert owns NewsCorp. 3rd largest. oh

“The United States has some of the dumbest people in the world. I want you to know that we know that.” Ted Turner

a big method of manipulation is the old Hegelian dialectic…control/create both the proper thesis & antithesis to get the desired synthesis

creating false dichotomies and maintaining the illusion of opposites, makes it easy to herd human thought & fuck up lateral thinking yo

“media” comes from Media, an ancient place in the middle east near Libya where tribes of sorcerers, astrologers, adepts lived. illusionists

US citizens are considered property of the queen under British Maritime law, which still rules today secretly

you don’t notice how regardless of whether you send something by air, water, or land, you “ship” it. oh

a ship pulls into its “berth” and ties to the “dock.” a “doc” delivered you and you have a “berth” certificate.

we’re, products. of a corporation. the United States Incorporated bruh

ship captains had to provide certificates of manifest declaring products on his ship. see?

you arrived via a birth “canal”.  a mother’s “water breaks”

mothers here are delivering a product under maritime law and that’s why we’re born in a “delivery room.”

name in all CAPS on your license, “berth” certificate of manifest, social security card and bank card, right? go look.

google that: US Code, Title 18 B 7

you never thought about the term…human RESOURCES?

banks are on both sides of a river. a river bank directs the flow of the currency (sea current). the cash ‘flow”

3 strikes, 3 outs, 3 bases and 3 outfielders, 9 (3×3) innings, 9 defenders on the field, 90 ft. between bases and a “7th inning stretch”. oh

three “strikes” before you are retired to the below ground hole “dugout” for you. oh. “three strikes” in the legal system before you’re gone

never thought about the term “blockbuster”? or a movie or a song being a “hit”? sounds like something that has to do with, rocks. masonry.

ever really looked at the logos of Paramount, TriStar, Columbia, Orion, Icon, Lion’s Gate, DreamWorks?

you know the cap & gown is a Cult of Saturn black robe & square mortarboard right? square mortarboards are used by the Freemasons on plaster

the Cult Of Saturn was worn by worshipers of Saffron, the God Of Hebrews. and “graduates” wear it without knowing this at all.

Saturday is the 6th planet from the sun. also the 6th day of the week. Saturnday. oh. worship on ppl.

didn’t sheriffs wear 6 pointed stars? Saturn worship.

see…if in 2014 there are still hidden rituals that take place symbolically, that used to take place in ancient times, what dat tell you?

when you get married, you get married before God. the symbol of that God is the ring that’s put on each other’s fingers. ring of Saturn.

like, 6th chakra of the human energy system is the 3rd eye/pineal gland. when open, you develop your 6th sense of intuition & spirituality.

so, from a consciousness perspective, the 6th sense, your intuitions/hunches, are messengers of “god” i.e., your guardian angels.

the ancient name of Saturn was…EL. see that? angELs. oh.

those chosen by EL were called…ELites. Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Gospel, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL bruh.

temple (EL), gospel (EL), apostle (EL), disciple (EL)….see?

look at the many names of the “archangELs” that had the ‘el,’ suffix, Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc.

masons always refer to “circling the square” and “squaring the circle.” where do boxers fight? a four sided “ring” bro.

city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn


Christianity, broken down


“Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.” Napoleon Bonaparte

Book of Luke is the Book of Leo. Luke is Latin for Lucius meaning Light and the House of Light is Leo the Lion. sun worship.

Book of Matthew or Matt is actually Maat, the Egyptian Goddess. Maat is almost always symbolized blindfolded holding the Scales of Justice. that relates astrologically to Libra.

Libra was the last sign officially added to the zodiac, which is why Matt was the last of the 12 to join.

Book of John is the Book of Aquarius. John is for January which is the month corresponding to Aquarius. when my daughter was born.

symbol for Aquarius is a man carrying/pouring a pitcher of water which is why we have “Baptism” and John the Baptist. see?

“The Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun.” ~ Thomas Paine

John 14:2 says that in the Father’s house there are many rooms or many mansions. yea, 12. the 12 houses or rooms of the zodiac.

Jesus’s life in the New Testament runs parallel to the allegorical understanding of the Sun’s journey through the houses of the zodiac bruh.

72 angels on Jacob’s ladder and the 72 nations in Genesis also relate to these 72 decans, 1 for every 5 degrees of the zodiac. paranatellons

and i been told you what Jacob’s Ladder REALLY is, as far as the ankh and the djed. seriously.

Confucious had 72 initiated disciples and Set had 72 accomplices in the death of Osiris. see how that works?

Jesus was born in a stable between a horse and a goat, symbols of Sagittarius and Capricorn. oh.

he was baptized in Aquarius, the waterbearer. he chose his first disciples, fishermen. Pisces. see? the sun. the son.

he became the “Good Shepherd” and the Lamb in Aries, the Ram. you don’t see this yo? lol

Jesus told the ppls about the sowing and tilling of the fields. as in Taurus, the Bull. bruh. what pulls a plow?

Luke 22:10: “Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you bearing a pitcher of water follow him into the house where he entereth in.”

house = astrological house or zodiac sign the sun is passing through

in Matt 14:17, Jesus feeds them with fish saying “We only have five loaves of bread and 2 fish.” Virgo = house of bread. Pisces = fish.

popes have always worn the “Ring of the Fisherman” & the Pope’s headdress has always been a fish head, from the side.


Pisces. fish. Jesus. sun worship. see? no? ok.

Pastor. Pa meaning great or father & Stor or Aster meaning Star. Minister and Ministry come from Min and Aster as well. see?

Min was the common ancient term and root of Moon and Aster, Stir, Stor all relate to Star. it’s where we get the word Minute, too.

think about a minute hand on a watch. the three hands of a watch relate to the three planets associated with time.

the slow hand is the hour hand, meaning Horus, the sun. the minute hand is for Min, the moon. see?

and the swift ticking hand is for Mercury, the planet which rotates fastest of all tree, both around the sun and on its own orbit.

the god Mercury is always depicted with wings on his shoes or feet, because he was the fastest. look at your watch now.

that’s the sun, the moon and mercury on your watch.

The Lethal Presidency of Barack Obama

The Lethal Presidency of Barack Obama

Sure, we as a nation have always killed people. A lot of people. But no president has ever waged war by killing enemies one by one, targeting them individually for execution, wherever they are. The Obama administration has taken pains to tell us, over and over again, that they are careful, scrupulous of our laws, and determined to avoid the loss of collateral, innocent lives. They’re careful because when it comes to waging war on individuals, the distinction between war and murder becomes a fine one. Especially when, on occasion, the individuals we target are Americans and when, in one instance, the collateral damage was an American boy.

By Tom Junod

barack obama

Nigel Parry/CPI

Here is Tom Junod’s original story about the president’s use of drones, published in the August 2012 issue.

You are a good man. You are an honorable man. You are both president of the United States and the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. You are both the most powerful man in the world and an unimpeachably upstanding citizen. You place a large premium on being beyond reproach. You have become your own deliberative body, standing not so much by your decisions as by the process by which you make them. You are not only rational; you are a rationalist. You think everything through, as though it is within your power to find the point where what is moral meets what is necessary.

You love two things, your family and the law, and you have surrounded yourself with those who are similarly inclined. To make sure that you obey the law, you have hired lawyers prominent for accusing your predecessor of flouting it; to make sure that you don’t fall prey to the inevitable corruption of secrecy, you have hired lawyers on record for being committed to transparency. Unlike George W. Bush, you have never held yourself above the law by virtue of being commander in chief; indeed, you have spent part of your political capital trying to prove civilian justice adequate to our security needs. You prize both discipline and deliberation; you insist that those around you possess a personal integrity that matches their political ideals and your own; and it is out of these unlikely ingredients that you have created the Lethal Presidency.

You are a historic figure, Mr. President. You are not only the first African-American president; you are the first who has made use of your power to target and kill individuals identified as a threat to the United States throughout your entire term. You are the first president to make the killing of targeted individuals the focus of our military operations, of our intelligence, of our national-security strategy, and, some argue, of our foreign policy. You have authorized kill teams comprised of both soldiers from Special Forces and civilians from the CIA, and you have coordinated their efforts through the Departments of Justice and State. You have gradually withdrawn from the nation building required by “counterinsurgency” and poured resources into the covert operations that form the basis of “counter-terrorism.” More than any other president you have made the killing rather than the capture of individuals the option of first resort, and have killed them both from the sky, with drones, and on the ground, with “nighttime” raids not dissimilar to the one that killed Osama bin Laden. You have killed individuals in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya, and are making provisions to expand the presence of American Special Forces in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In Pakistan and other places where the United States has not committed troops, you are estimated to have killed at least two thousand by drone. You have formalized what is known as “the program,” and at the height of its activity it was reported to be launching drone strikes in Pakistan every three days. Your lethality is expansive in both practice and principle; you are fighting terrorism with a policy of preemptive execution, and claiming not just the legal right to do so but the legal right to do so in secret. The American people, for the most part, have no idea who has been killed, and why; the American people — and for that matter, most of their representatives in Congress — have no idea what crimes those killed in their name are supposed to have committed, and have been told that they are not entitled to know.

This is not to say that the American people don’t know about the Lethal Presidency, and that they don’t support its aims. They do. They know about the killing because you have celebrated — with appropriate sobriety — the most notable kills, specifically those of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki; they support it because you have asked for their trust as a good and honorable man surrounded by good and honorable men and women and they have given it to you. In so doing, you have changed a technological capability into a moral imperative and have convinced your countrymen to see the necessity without seeing the downside. Politically, there is no downside. Historically, there is only the irony of the upside — that you, of all presidents, have become the lethal one; that you, of all people, have turned out to be a man of proven integrity whose foreign and domestic policies are less popular than your proven willingness to kill, in defense of your country, even your own countrymen … indeed, to kill even a sixteen-year-old American boy accused of no crime at all.

Click here for the rest:

my take on being…happy.


Since Pharrell killed it this year with his song “Happy” and that term seems to be circulating all throughout our society so much lately, I figured I’d throw in my 2 cents.

So, I believe some people live pretty much miserable or sad existences, and they have glimpses/moments of happiness from the external world, which gets them by for a few hours, days, weeks, etc. After awhile, that’s all they wait on.

I also believe that there are people that live overall happy lives, and experience glimpses of misery or “bad shit” that they deal with accordingly, as it comes.

To me there’s a BIG difference between the two because in one instance, a person is waiting all their lives for moments of happiness to get them through their constant misery, and then there’s a person who is almost naively happy most of the time, but knows at some point that “bad shit” is going to happen, and they know they’ll just have to deal with it, but still must remain happy.

I’ve heard the term “fake it ’til you make it” for years and I am realizing that it might be something I do, and have been doing for awhile, except that I’m at the point where I’m not faking it (or I’m in heavy denial, but I doubt it). A lot of people that meet me, or know me, tell me that I’m weird, odd, strange, whatever, because I can be so “Buddha-like” or seem so optimistic, even when I guess I’m supposed to feel depressed or be upset about something. It’s simple. I just decided one day that there was no point in allowing myself to be swept up by emotions (which are just internal chemical reactions), that I myself control. That I did not want to feel like a victim anymore, and that I could not allow a utility bill, a financial setback, a “lost opportunity”, etc., stop my entire day and worse yet, stop my overall inner joy.


I find that if there’s an inner turmoil deep inside of someone that has never really ever “stared at in the face” objectively, or tried to be resolved somehow, they’ll pretty much be “swimming in that muck” all of their lives. On occasion, life will throw them a life preserver or a floating device of some sort like found money, a stranger’s compliment, etc., so they don’t “drown”, but they’ll still be swimming in that muck and the people in this outside world will always be able to tell energetically, that they’re swimming in that muck. I believe that if this person is constantly waiting for the world outside of themselves to bring them these life preservers or floating devices, they’ll pretty much be drowning all of their lives. So when you see them existing, it’s as if they’re constantly gasping for air.

A happy person just decides one day “Fuck it, I’m going to be happy, because it feels better than not feeling happy” and that’s it. No matter what the world throws at you, you take a breath, and just fucking deal with it that moment, later that day, in a few days, whatever, but you don’t let the situation derail you mentally for 5 minutes, let alone an entire day. The situations/experiences in this world that are lessons whether the happy person deems them good, or bad, are not allowed to take over the happy person’s life for one second because being happy is what is important to the happy person. And being happy is what every human being, whether they want to admit or not, wants to be in life ultimately.

This goes back to what many people say, as far as the external comes from the internal. Anything that exists in the external world comes from the internal world first. The internal never comes from the external first. It doesn’t work that way yo. This includes a happy state of being. You can imagine your insides as being a shell, or a container. You can fill that container with as much “happy shit” from the outside world as you can possibly find, and that container will never really be filled. It’s because the container has to be filled from within, so that it stays perpetually filled…forever. Misery, is like a bunch of holes in the container, so no matter how much you fill the container with external happy, inevitably it will leak out and all that the person is left feeling, is the holes. If you repair the holes internally, and start filling it with your own happiness, it’ll stay filled and whatever external happiness comes your way, is a bonus. The container starts to overflow with happiness, and now you have some extra happy, to share with the rest of the world.

I guess I’m saying that I believe it’s a choice to live a miserable or sad existence, and to wait for glimpses/moments of happiness from the external world, to get one by for a few hours, days, weeks, etc. or one can live an overall happy life, and know that even if you experience glimpses of misery or “bad shit” to just deal with it accordingly, as it comes.

Which one do you think is healthy?


John Swinton on journalism


“There is no such thing, at this date in the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street looking for another job.

If I allowed my honest opinion to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. You know it and I know it. And what folly is this – toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.

Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

John Swinton

New York Times – New York Press Club (1)

The Day the Earth Stood Still


In 1951 there was a movie called The Day Earth Stood Still. In this film, Klaatu –the alien visitor here to investigate Earth –is shot while trying to give a gift to the President.

Eventually, the military hunts down the alien and kills him, after which he is resurrected by his powerful robot, Gort.

At one point, Klaatu gives a message to a meeting of scientists gathered from around the world:

“I am leaving now. You’ll forgive me if I speak bluntly. The universe grows smaller every day and the threat of aggression by one group anywhere can no longer be tolerated. There must be security for all or no one is secure. This does not mean giving up freedom, except the freedom to act irresponsibly. Your ancestors knew this when they made laws to govern themselves and hired policemen to enforce them. We of the other planets have long accepted this principle.

We have an organization for the mutual protection of all planets and for the complete elimination of aggression. The test of any such higher authority is of course the police force that supports it. For our policemen, we have created a race of robots. Their function is to patrol the planets in spaceships like this one and preserve peace. In matters of aggression, we have given them complete power over us. This power cannot be revoked. At the first sign of violence, they act automatically against the aggressor. The penalty for provoking their action is too terrible to risk.

The result is that we live in peace without arms and armies, secure in the knowledge that we are free from aggression and war. Free to pursue more profitable enterprises. We do not pretend to have achieved perfection, but we do have a system and it works. I came here to give you these facts. It’s no concern of ours how you run your own planet, but if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned out cinder. Your choice is simple, join us and live in peace or pursue your present course and face obliteration.

We shall be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you.”

234 Nigerian schoolgirls abducted

Nigerian abducted girls’ families fast losing hope of rescue

President calls emergency security council meeting over teenagers rounded up at gunpoint despite guard’s presence
200 girls are missing in Nigeria – so why doesn’t anybody care?
A father weeps as he joins other parents of the kidnapped schoolgirls in Chibok.

A father weeps as he joins other parents of the kidnapped schoolgirls during a meeting with the Borno state governor in Chibok. Photograph: Afolabi Sotunde/Reuters

The families of more than 230 Nigerian schoolgirls abducted by Islamist insurgents more than 10 days ago say they are fast losing hope of seeing their daughters again despite government assurances they will be found.

The mass abduction of the girls watched over by government soldiers is the most devastating in a series of recent attacks on state schools – and comes as the government debates extending a year-long state of emergency across three north-eastern states from which the militants have operated for five years. On the same day as the kidnappings, a massive bombing by Boko Haram insurgents killed more than 75 commuters hundreds of miles south on the outskirts of the capital.

The girls, who were mostly between 16 and 18 years old, were rounded up at gunpoint after militants overpowered a military guard assigned to a boarding school in Chibok, in north-eastern Borno state. They had just finished their final school exams. The school was the only one still open in the area following threats and attacks by Boko Haram, whose ideology opposes both so-called western education, and particularly women’s education.

The home of a teacher which was attacked during the kidnapping, at the school in Chibok. The home of a teacher which was attacked during the kidnapping, at the school in Chibok. Photograph: Afolabi Sotunde/Reuters Danuma Mpur, the chairman of the local parent-teacher association, whose two nieces are among the missing, said: “Even this morning we’ve had no update. We pinned our hopes on the government, but all that hope is turning to frustration. The town is under a veil of sorrow.”

After several attempts by unarmed parents to comb the vast forests where militant camps are located – and where near-daily air raids by the Nigerian army have been halted since the kidnappings – many said they had little faith in the government.

Hamma Balumai, a farmer whose 16-year-old daughter Hauwa was snatched, pooled his savings with other parents and ventured on a two-day trek into the forest this week. “Even my wife was begging to come as she is so disturbed she hasn’t been able to eat anything. Our daughter Hauwa is only 16 years old and she has been missing for 11 days now,” he told the Guardian.

The parents turned around only after being warned by communities in the forest that their rag-tag group, armed with machetes and knives, would be gunned down by the militants, who wield sophisticated weapons.

Parents expressed their despair after President Goodluck Jonathan convened an emergency security council on Thursday with state governors, security chiefs and spiritual leaders from across Africa‘s most populous, religiously mixed country. The government said its priority was to rescue the girls, kidnapped almost two weeks ago on 14 April, amid a deteriorating security situation.

Nigeria map “We must do everything to ensure that the abducted children are retrieved and rehabilitated and returned to their parents, and the military assured us that they are working on it,” said Kayode Fayemi, of the southern, Christian-majority Ekiti state, following a seven-hour meeting at the presidential villa in the capital, Abuja, in which attendees also addressed fears that Boko Haram, which is seeking to carve a northern Islamic enclave, is extending its geographical reach southwards and deeper into a linchpin country in a region already plagued by Islamist militancy.

Even for around two dozen girls who escaped, there has been little respite. Godiya Usman, an 18-year-old finalist who jumped off the back of the truck, said she feels trapped by survivor’s guilt. She and her cousin huddled together as the insurgents stormed into their dorm room. “When my cousin Lami started crying, one of them pointed a gun to my head and said if she didn’t stop, he would shoot both of us. I held her and told her we had to just follow their instructions, but I was so scared I could barely even whisper the words.”

She began to panic as her cousin could not stop crying as they drove into the night. “They drove us into the forest and each time we got to a village, they stopped and started shooting and killing people and burning their houses. I told the girls in my truck that when we got to another village and they were busy attacking, we should all jump down and run into the forest.”

But the other girls, terrified by the dozens of armed men, were unable to keep to the plan. “When we got to another village, they started shooting. I jumped down and I was expecting my friends to jump too, but they didn’t. I just started crying and running into the bush,” Usman said, her voice breaking as she recounted the nightmare.

Hours later, she stumbled upon a group of other parents and local youths who were searching for the girls in the forest.

The mass abduction underlines how even the vast military might of a country that has long been a regional peacekeeping giant is failing to contain the insurgency raging in the north-east of Africa’s most populous country. Tens of thousands of civilians fleeing the vast, arid north say they are caught between the militants and brutal army reprisals.

The government said recently that nomadic herdsmen who frequently clash in cattle raids further south, in a tinderbox of ethnic tensions known as the Middle Belt, were now being infiltrated by fighters with sophisticated weapons rather than the homemade shotguns traditionally used by Fulani herders. More than 300 have been killed in such clashes in the past month.

hey ladies. get, fonky.

A Timeline of Sexy Defined Through the Ages

March 19th, 2010
Posted in For Women By

It’s hard to believe that once upon a time, women were actually celebrated for—gasp!—their natural god-given bodies. That’s right—thin hasn’t always been in, not has the desire to constantly strive for it. In fact, the female standard of sex appeal and beauty has gone through many drastic changes over the last several hundred years, showing us that what’s universally considered beautiful and sexy is ever-changing, and probably will be very different in 100 years than it is right now

To prove how our definition of sexy has shifted, we’ve compiled a timeline of the major trends over the past 600 years, starting with the Renaissance up until the last decade. As we track everything from body types to hair and makeup, you may be surprised to see how the definition of sexy has changed so drastically over the years.


Renaissance: From the 1400s to the early 16th century

Body Type: The ideal Renaissance woman was more voluptuous then any other time in history. Paintings from this era depict women who likely would be considered overweight by today’s standard.

Beauty: The term blondes have more fun may have stemmed from the Renaissance, because they believed that the lighter the hair color, the better. As for makeup, pale ivory skin was considered sexy, and vermillion was used to tint the lips to a deep red color.

89934 1269027674 A Timeline of Sexy Defined Through the Ages

Victorian Era: From 1837 to 1901 (named after Britain’s Queen Victoria)

Body Type: Unlike Renaissance women, Victorian women were highly body conscious. Women wore corsets. Some were wound so tight that women could hardly breathe, to the point where sitting down was completely out of the question. Layered petticoats, hoops, and bustles became popular, all of which magnified the derriere. 

Beauty: Modesty was the operative word when it came to Victorian makeup. High-class women were expected to use makeup sparingly. Bold colors were considered uncouth, and reserved for prostitutes. Some religions at the time even proclaimed beauty products to be the look of the devil. Yikes!

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The Roaring 20s: The era that brought us Coco Chanel, shorter hemlines, and flappers.

Body Type: The 1920s were a time when women aimed to hide their curves. In fact, some would even bind their chests with strips of cloth to achieve a boyish look. The loose silhouette of the short and swingy flapper dress was a stark contrast to the corseted waist of Victorian era gowns, while elastic webbed girdles replaced corsets and gave off the look of a flat abdomen.

Beauty: Going right along with the boyish look, the hair bob or finger wavewas a big trend. Bold makeup, which had once been considered trashy, was now considered sexy. Powder was applied to make the skin look as pale as possible and eyebrows were lifted and penciled in to appear thin and bold. Kohl was used to line the eye and achieve an overall dramatic look.

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The 1930s and 1940s: Hollywood’s Golden Age 

Body Type: As they became more body conscious, women started to really pay attention to what they ate. Fashion accented the arms and legs, so women lifted light weights to build muscle tone. The new padded stretch cotton bra was introduced, and designers like Chanel (credited as the originator of the “little black dress”), Dior, and Elsa Schiaparelli started designing fitted, glamorous, siren-ready attire.

Beauty: Hairstyles became more feminine than they had been in the 1920s. Hair color varied depending on which movie star one was trying to emulate. Jean Harlow made platinum blond a trend, meanwhile, Rita Hayworth (above) made being a redhead popular. Last, but not least, Marlene Dietrich represented for all the brunettes out there. Makeup became a little less drag, and more girl-next-door than in the ’20s. The pasty white skin trend was finally passé, and women started opting for foundations closer to their natural complexions.

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The 1950s: Mid-Century Conservative

Body Type: The desired shape in the mid-century was the hourglass figure popularized by movie stars like Marilyn Monroe and Grace Kelly (above). Women were told that their primary goal was to catch a man and have a family, so they were taught to dress to allure, but rarely showed a great deal of skin. Rule number one was that women were never supposed to leave the house looking sloppy. Three-quarter-sleeve coats, full belted skirts, button-downs, and prim sweaters were the standard (think Betty Draper when she first appeared on “Mad Men.”)

Beauty: Hair was usually kept short at just below the shoulders, and was worn in soft, curly, or wavy styles. Straight styles were considered undesirable, so rollers became a girl’s best friend. Women also began to focus more on having flawless skin than anything else. The goal was a peaches and cream complexion.

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The 1960s: The era that brought us hippies, mods, and Twiggy

Body Type: Mimicking the popular skinny models of the day, like Twiggy (above), women became obsessed with being rail thin. In terms of fashion and beauty, two polar opposites emerged: the hippie flower child and the modern swinging ’60s woman. The hippies put more of an emphasis on casual staples like bell-bottoms, tunics, and platform shoes, while the super-mod Twiggy-girl put time into her appearance and favored things like high boots, miniskirts, and short shift dresses.

Beauty: Hippies went for long no-maintenance hairstyles and typically avoided makeup. More modern ’60s girls, conversely, opted for short pixie cuts and dramatic eyes. Fake eyelashes were a must-have, and mascara was applied to achieve the popular tarantula lashes.

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The 1970s: Enter the disco era.

Body Type: The freewheeling 1960s forever changed the way women viewed their bodies, and by the 1970s, the thinking-thin phenomenon was in full force. Clothing was sexy and disco-ready, with lots of wrap-style dresses, oversize sunglasses, and high-waist jeans, and most women aspired to emulate the ultra-glam ‘Studio 54′ look popularized by Bianca Jagger.

Beauty: The late Farrah Fawcett (above) revolutionized the way women styled their hair. Her long, layered, feathery haircut became the look that every woman wanted to have.This decade also marked the beginning of the bronzed beach look and with it, the popular tanning booth trend. Women began relying on bronzers and self-tanners, things many women (and some men) still can’t do without.

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The 1980s: The decade of big hair, big shoulders, and the Material Girl.

Body Type: The aerobics exercise craze of the ’80s further emphasized fitness for women. Women were expected to maintain a certain weight, but still appear toned, all without being too muscular. With all these body stipulations, it’s no wonder that the prevalence of eating disorders skyrocketed throughout the decade. The ’80s also epitomized over-the-top fashion— neon, suits with football player-sized shoulder pads, and spandex were just a few of the quintessential trends of the decade that were considered sexy.

Beauty: There are only two words to describe ’80s hair: big and bigger. The mantra of the decade was the bigger the better, and with all those aerosol cans of hairspray, we’re sure the ozone took a pretty big hit right around this decade. Over-the-top makeup was de rigeur—just check out Madonna above. Women opted for brighter colors, like the infamous blue eye shadows and liners, and shiny pink pouts. Also, thanks to Brooke Shields, bushy eyebrows were also considered very sexy—something’s come back around in recent years.

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The 1990s: The era that brought us grunge, minimalism, “Beverly Hills, 90210,” and “Saved by the Bell.”

Body Type:Models like Kate Moss further perpetuated standards of extreme thinness. The heroin chic trend came about in the ’90s—a strung-out and emaciated appearance was the coveted look. Thanks to a few rebellious kids in Seattle, the ’90s also gave rise to the popular grunge movement, characterized by flannel shirts, Doc Martens, and an overall unkempt look.

On the other side of the spectrum, the spandex and fluorescent color trends of the ’80s stuck around for the early part of the decade (as evidenced by the wardrobes in “Beverly Hills, 90210,” and “Saved by the Bell.”)  Lycra was introduced, and midriff-bearing tops also became fashionable which coincided with the rise of pierced belly buttons and toned tummies. 

Beauty: One of the most popular ’90s hairstyles was the Rachel cut, named for Jennifer Aniston’s character on “Friends.” Other popular hair trends included the bob, bangs (a la Brenda Walsh), and bleach blond color (remember Donna Martin?). Kate Moss epitomized the androgynous ideal, which led many women to take a minimalist approach to makeup.

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The New Millennium: 2000 to present, an era of choice and expression

Body Type: Although we’re currently in an age where women have more choice than ever before, women are still expected to live up to an impossibly thin body shape. The fact is that now, more then ever, the price of beauty is extremely high. This is evident in the huge surge in plastic surgeries that have taken place in the last decade– Heidi Montag anyone? We’re also seeing a re-emergence of almost every major fashion trend of decades past, from shoulder pads to cinched waists. We aren’t all copy-cats though, the emergence of super-low-rise jeans, Juicy sweatsuits, and trucker hats is unique to the early Aughts (and, thankfully, faded out soon after.)

Beauty: Today’s definition of beauty doesnt seem to be particularly concrete. We’re seeing both long hair and chic pixie cuts make the rounds, and makeup typically emphasizes fresh, dewy skin.