Reality. Holograms. Blankets?


all physical matter you can see around you, is energy. it’s electro-magnetic energy held in a state of tension. so wild to me

my physical being itself is electro-magnetic energy being held in a state of tension controlled by consciousness forming my atoms via aether

da consciousness i call “Love” or All-That-Is or the Whole or Oneness that was the Big Bang explosion, created aether so atoms can form shit

it’s like holding an outstretched blanket then using sounds to vibrate the blanket and then rolling tiny pellets on it til they form shapes.

that’s everything.

our universe is the outstretched blanket, atoms are the pellets, consciousness turns on the sound & we and everything else, are the shapes.

like Cymatics.

and don’t forget, electric energy and magnetic energy are two measurable dimensions. my bio’s been said i’m multi-dimensional. we all are.

thought energy, and emotional energy, are intertwined like electro-magnetic energy is. how real is that?

once you have the basic principles understood, then everything else kinda falls into place yo.

the entire universe is energy and behind that energy is the consciousness that created it. because what else controls that energy?! exactly

our minds are each a little piece of the universe’s mind.

this reality that everyone agrees on, is a very limited experience of reality. think about it.

can you see the cells that form your body right now, with your naked eyes? no. but that’s reality. you just see one slice of reality. skin.

and skin is basically a holographic projection since within each cell that forms skin is the blueprint for the entire body. and that is…

….exactly how holograms work.

each one of the cells that forms your body is a pixel in a hologram. light shines on each pixel & is reflected and a whole form appears out of thin air.

sunlight hits our cells. our DNA. and astral light exists within us. true reality is subatomic. and ppl can’t walk around seeing that. some ppl.

we form as an entire image, the way a hologram forms an entire image. what’s the difference? the components. and your beliefs.

that’s why i know i’m not a body. my soul has a body. this is my reality. i know what forms my body. physically AND metaphysically b.





don’t fall in love with physical. fall in love with the metaphysical.

“Just because I don’t love you the way you want me to, doesn’t mean that I don’t love you with everything I have.”

someone’s need to hear “I love you” all the time or experience constant PDA says more about that person’s own insecurity, than about love

we’re all being challenged to become whole people & we attract the relationships that help us to do that.

in most relationships, one partner expresses an energy that the other has not accessed within themselves.

that’s why they found each other. to bring those energies out of each other, for each other.

wipe your ass with society’s blueprints of how things beyond the mind need to be experienced

relationships need to be viewed as the interaction of two whole ppl & not two halves seeking external balance.

because those two ppl will be lost in the sauce for a long time.

a dope relationship is based on the mutual respect of each partner for the other’s wholeness and individuality

there’s a different definition of love for almost everyone on the planet, because real love is not definable. fuck a blueprint love.

stop putting the responsibility of trillions of experiences that have to happen to you so you can grow, on one person’s shoulders. not fair

you can be in love with someone and even commit to be with only that someone sexually, but that should be a choice. not a society pressure.

and remember, it’s not really logical to think that the one person you fall in love with is going to help you experience everything you need

it’s a big planet. you’re gonna meet other ppl that present you with experiences/lessons/situations that help you evolve & grow. it’s ok.

we grow a lot more from the challenges in our lives, than the easy rides. welcome challenges.

define cheating. to yourself in your own mind. now, where’d you get that definition?

true love is not definable on human terms. it’s All-That-Is. and there’s no such thing as soulmates. all souls are 1

“You don’t kiss me and hold my hand like the couple across the street.” because we’re not that couple. we’re this couple. fuck blueprints.

if you’re doing things because other ppl are doing them, then YOU aren’t doing anything at all, really. sorry

try doing something you came up with on your own. it’s more exciting.

energetic relationships don’t operate with judgments, preconceived notions, etc. they just interact within nature, as energy. newsflash…

you’re condensed energy. act like it

your expectations about everything is killing your ability to experience things properly. you’re fucking you up.

relationships between planets & stars, water & air, hot & cold, thought & energy, are constantly creating and changing the world around us.

flow of life leads us to what we need to experience and who to experience what with, and the flow comes from within ourselves. don’t DAM it.

you create dams by having expectations. by putting judgments on yourself and others. by not letting the flow, flow.

love is beyond words.

Universal Laws



The Law of Divine Oneness – everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe around us. This is that All-That-Is jumpoff. The most simple mathematical presentation of All-That-Is, as a rule of three, is:  a = b/c. This is another way of describing the Whole, which I’ve explained in another post.


Law of Vibration – everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself. I’ve gone into full detail on twitter about wavicles and string theory and how the center of every atom, vibrates.


Law of Action – Must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that support our thoughts dreams, emotions and words. Like I say, the Universe doesn’t speak English, Spanish, Chinese, etc. It speaks action & energy. It listens to what you do.


Law of Correspondence – This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world energy, Light, vibration, and motion have their corresponding principles in the etheric universe. “As above, so below”. In every cell of my body, is everything in the universe. The same principles applied in creating a hologram, can be applied to my existence as being a reflection of the universe itself.


Law of Cause and Effect – Nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every Action(including thought) has a reaction or consequence. “We reap what we sow”. Sometimes we can predict the effect by the cause, but even when we can’t, this law is working every second of our lives.


Law of Compensation- The Universal Law is the Law of Cause and effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships and blessings. What you create for others, you will experience.


Law of Attraction – Demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies. I’ve said this applies in electromagnetic terms as far as our physiological makeup. We are, in essence, each a magnet. If you also apply the theory of inflation in terms of our universe and the Big Bang, everything is slowly expanding, but also contracting (pulling towards itself) so we “magnetically” pull people and experiences towards us to help us on our journey of growth and evolution.


The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change. This is where we each can become, or remember we were all, alchemists. Internal alchemy. The human body is an alchemical furnace. Remember that. You’re energy.


Law of Relativity – Each person will receive a series of “problems” (Tests of Initiation/Lessons) for the purpose of strengthening the light within each of us. These tests/lessons are challenges and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems, so we can put things into their proper perspectives. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It’s all relative.


Law of Polarity – Everything is on a continuum and has and opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.


Law of Rhythm – Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms.. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of our universe. “Masters” know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.


Law of Gender – The law of gender manifests in all things as masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The law of gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.



In addition to all of these you have the laws that fall within physics obviously such as Law Of General Relativity, Laws Of Mechanics, but these of course haven’t been tested as axiomatic throughout the entire universe so, they may not apply universally so to speak. We’ll see. Besides, the Ptolemaic view of the universe soon became the Copernican view so, theories change all the time obviously.

Wanna Buy Your Own Drone?



DJI Phantom RC Quadrotor UAS Review: A Powerful Personal Drone That Knows Its Place


Posted 03.04.2013 at 1:01 pm

It’s a sign of the times when new consumer-grade, commercially available remote-controlled drones just show up unsolicited at our offices with an invitation from the manufacturer to take them for a spin. Drones are big news these days, their reputation alternately buoyed and tarnished by their efficacy as machines of warfare and the lack of solid legalities governing their use, and likewise by their limitless potential across a range of commercial applications and their similarly limitless potential for abuse where personal privacy is concerned.

But aforementioned concerns notwithstanding, unmanned aerial systems will soon be everywhere and DJI Innovations’ Phantom is the kind of system that will surely be a part of that shift. Designed for neither industry nor government, the Phantom is a pretty serious UAS designed for you and me–the average consumer that simply wants to fly. So you can imagine the unrestrained glee with which we unboxed this unexpected arrival in the afternoon post.

DJI is a maker of flight control systems for UAS as well as a handful of complete unmanned aerial vehicles, mostly geared toward aerial photography applications. Most of these platforms are somewhat complex and quite expensive–in other words, best suited for commercial customers or the most serious and well-heeled hobbyists. The Phantom is DJI’s attempt at packaging its technology in a way that is both inexpensive and user-friendly, so much so that anyone can get into unmanned flight. It’s certainly not the only consumer-oriented UAS (see our earlier review of the Parrot AR Drone 2.0) or the least expensive–in fact, it’s a few hundred dollars more than other recreational RC quadcopters. But Phantom lives in a space between the toy quadcopter you might pick up for the kids at Brookstone and the professional-grade hardware that aerial photographers or search and rescue authorities might use.

The features that set it apart: serious range and altitude, a durable construction that withstood the serious abuse (both intentional and unintentional) we threw at it, and a satellite-based stabilizing capability that proved quite effective. But that’s not all there is to the Phantom; there were a few aspects of this product that we found clumsy, non-intuitive, and unnecessarily difficult. So if you’re seriously interested in this kind of technology I strongly recommend you read all the way to the end of this post where Phantom gets a chance to redeem itself, because I’m going to lead off with all the things I didn’t like about this otherwise incredibly fun little machine.

It’s Not Really “Ready To Fly”: Consumer products should be relatively easy to use right out of the box, and indeed DJI describes Phantom as an “all in one solution ready to fly.” But unboxing the drone is not so simple. Attaching the legs with a phillips screwdriver, attaching the propellors with the provided fasteners–this is all stuff that’s expected when you purchase something with “some assembly required.” But actually transitioning from an open box to a vehicle that’s “ready to fly” requires a bit more work. The “Quickstart Manual” is a densely-worded 16 pages long. The battery charging procedure requires its own set of instructions. The calibration process (that is, the process that orients the vehicle’s assorted gyros and accelerometers, as well as syncs it up with various GPS satellites–more on those later) requires some steps that seem nonsensical, like “flip this switch ten times” (ten times!). We don’t mind a learning curve, nor do we mind a little assembly, but “ready to fly” is a stretch.

We Don’t Speak Robot: The basic interface between user and machine is a standard RC helicopter-style controller, the dual-joystick kind that has rotor throttle and vehicle rotation pegged to one joystick and lateral movements controlled by the other. But that’s where the simplicity ends. Much of the rest of the machine-human communication is conducted through a blinking LED on the rear of the ‘craft that speaks in something of a colorized morse code that you, the user, must memorize if you don’t want to keep the quickstart manual (16 pages!) next to you at all times. In different flight modes, the blinking colored lights and their many patterns mean different things. Example: When syncing Phantom to GPS satellites, one yellow blink means you have more than six GPS positioning satellites at your disposal. If you have exactly six, you get a yellow blink, followed by red. Less than five? One yellow, three reds. Exactly five? One yellow, a pause, two reds. Switch to a different flight mode, and the language (and color pattern) changes. It’s kind of like Richard Dreyfus communicating with the aliens in Close Encounters of the Third Kind with all those blinking lights and tones. That is to say, it’s kind of annoying.

The Controller And Aircraft Don’t Talk To Each Other Enough: Aside from the fact that it’s kind of huge, we don’t take issue with Phantom’s handheld RC controller. If you’ve ever flown a RC helicopter, you’ll take to it immediately. One thing we loved about the latest Parrot AR Drone is that in “Absolute Control” mode the user can always control the drone from his or her point of view–that is, no matter which way the “front” of the drone is facing, it will always travel forward, backward, left, or right respective to the direction the pilot is facing. Phantom’s controller lacks the hardware that makes this kind of intuitive flight possible, and while it does have a couple of helpful flight modes (“Home Lock” and “Course Lock”) that peg the directional orientation of the drone either to it’s point of takeoff or the direction it’s facing at takeoff (respectively), if you are walking around and turning as you fly the drone–and you’ll want to–it’s pretty easy to lose that intuitive link between the direction you are facing and the direction the drone is facing.

No Built In Camera, No Drone’s-Eye View: Adding features adds expense, and in the case of aircraft they can also add weight which reduces performance and flight duration. But cameras are so small and cheap these days–the Parrot AR Drone 2.0, the most popular comparable recreational quadcopter, comes with two built-in HD cameras–that we were struck by the fact that the Phantom has none. While it does come with a mount for a GoPro camera (sold separately), that means that it also doesn’t offer a drone’s-eye view, which is one of the more fun aspects of the Parrot and a nice way to pilot the vehicle beyond line of sight (which we aren’t endorsing, since doing so violates FAA rules–but still).

Battery Life: I’d preface this complaint by pointing out that there is nothing about Phantom’s battery life that is not absolutely par for course. Phantom runs on a small, dense lithium-polymer brick that takes roughly 45 minutes to an hour to charge fully. DJI claims a full charge is good for ten to fifteen minutes of flight time. That’s not very long. The good news: we found that we were able to squeeze even a little more flight time than that out of our machine (perhaps because on these flights we were not carrying the added weight of a camera). And fifteen minutes is about average for this kind of product. So this isn’t really a complaint about Phantom, but it is something you should be aware of before you invest in the thing. Somebody please invent a better battery already.

This Drone Knows Its Place: Now that the negative stuff is out of the way, let’s plunge into the many things Phantom gets right. First of all, the unique thing about Phantom is its GPS stabilization. That is, when in GPS flight mode Phantom is actually locating itself in space via several GPS satellites, and this allows for some very stable flight characteristics. With GPS enabled, you can be running Phantom at a dead lateral sprint and then let off the directional control. Phantom will actually pitch slightly in the opposite direction of travel (like applying brakes) and then correct itself back to the point in space where you first let off the accelerator (with GPS disabled, Phantom will right itself and cease acceleration when you release the directional control, but its momentum will continue to carry it some distance). Likewise, with GPS enabled Phantom can hover very precisely even in moderate winds, helpful for capturing aerial photography or video (more on that in a moment).

A good way to test this is to trigger the failsafe landing mode, which returns Phantom to its point of origin should it lose communication with the controller. Flying it on a soccer pitch adorned with plenty of painted lines for reference, we cut the power to the controller several times. Each time Phantom ceased lateral motion, climbed to sixty feet, slowly returned to the airspace over its point of takeoff, and landed itself on the ground below. Even with a stiff breeze blowing it never missed the mark by more than a couple feet, well within the standard margin of error for GPS technology.

It’s GoPro Ready: We love the GoPro. It goes pretty much anywhere, even where the user can’t or won’t, and returns amazing video and still images. Disappointed as we are that there’s no built in camera, the addition of the included GoPro mount is a nice compromise for the user who wants to quickly and relatively cheaply turn Phantom into an aerial photography rig.


Brain tweets


everybody’s compulsively looking for a mate with specific positive & negative traits. this comes from your “old brain”.

ok so, brain stem oversees reproduction, self preservation & shit like circulation, breathing, contraction of muscles, etc.

this is what some call, reptilian brain. it’s called that because all vertebrates including reptiles and mammals  share this piece of anatomy.

then you got ya limbic system. this is where the chemicals that we call, emotions, pop up.

“old brain” is what connects ya brain stem & limbic system. this is where you’re hard wired at. where them automatic reactions were born.

last piece is ya cerebral cortex. this is where ya cognitive functioning is at. most highly developed. this ya new brain.

this where you make decisions, think from, observe with, create at, organize info wit, etc

ya whole life is new brain vs. old brain but you don’t eem know it.

new brain’s logical, cause and effect type shit. old brain…you’re barely aware of. and old brain gets it info from new brain kinda.

see, the new brain sees me and you. Edwin and Lynn. John and Suzy. etc.

old brain sees someone to help, be helped by, fuck, fear, give in to, kill. faceless blobs

basically, the old brain makes its decisions based on mostly shit from way early on when you were an infant. but it uses that info today.

new brain sposed to tell old brain “nah this person’s cool. I know em”, because old brain smells the perfume & it’s reminded of a trauma.

then old brain goes into self preservation mode to protect you and makes you go through the above 6 choices, you feel fear, so you jet.

old brain always says “is it safe?” and if it goes into the mode of not safe, you’re not gonna hang around. even if it defies logic.

what’s the point? that a lot of times that you’re reacting to things a certain way & can’t explain it, it’s old brain shit b.

sooner you figure out what truly ever happened to you when you were a baby or soon after, easier it is to see why you act a certain way in certain areas.

old brain doesn’t know what linear time is. to it, what was still is. understanding this further helps you be able to see why you “flip out”

in the old brain, then and now live side by side yo.

we all seek a mate that has the predominant traits of whoever raised us. let this sink in.

when you find those traits in someone, old brain says “aaahhh someone to repair the psychological damage i experienced as a child.”

we felt Oneness before, in the womb. everything you needed came through fluid exchanges instantly. you were free from desire. soothed.

then you were here and what you need instantly, didn’t come. we seek that Edenic experience again our whole lives.

babies don’t “see” they’re separate beings like we’re programmed to. babies see a universe with no boundaries. they don’t know…division.

ppl run around unfairly expecting their partner to fulfill this Oneness feeling we’ve all felt. when partners can’t, we get unhappy.

problem is…your partners aren’t supposed to give you that reconnection to Oneness. that’s why they can’t. only you can yo.

but that’s just fucked up programming and being susceptible to the old brain only.

to do something correctly, you gotta know what you were doing incorrectly first.

we’re all emotionally injured.

babies tells the outside world they’re distressed by crying, since it’s their only form of communication until speaking

a baby has no sense of delayed gratification & no way of taking care of itself so a parent unable to “solve” a baby’s crying, fucks it up

most parents fuck up. there’s a way to equip a baby with self soothing. when a parent fails at it, everything becomes life & death to a baby

and that emotionally injury roots itself into a baby’s old brain, which resurfaces repeatedly in that baby as a teenager and adult.

that’s why I be saying, there’s a lot of infant adults walking around. you see them tweeting all day. they don’t eem know it

once you figure that shit out & self equip yourself with “I’m ok” then you no longer have the old brain “the world’s not safe” shit

and then you, really control you b


my Sandy Hook tweets from February 2013


ppl still question Sandy Hook being a setup like they question the government’s ability to kill its own citizens. “impossible!”

it’s possible.

yo Robbie Parker laughing before he did his press conference about his daughter Ellie who was killed the day before #SandyHook

Adam Lanza used an assault rifle to kill all those kids? odd. apparently, the assault rifle he had was found in his car afterwards

yo man!! the same day of #SandyHook these dudes were training FOR a Sandy Hook type event?!? #iCant

yo man!! the same day of #SandyHook these dudes were training FOR a Sandy Hook type event?!…

on 9/10/2011 FEMA arrived in NYC to train for planes hitting buildings. what happened the next day?

on 12/14/12 Homeland Security of Connecticut was supposed to be in training for a disaster with kids. what happened the next day?

Sandy Hook was a giant movie set B.

i’m saying no children probably died. if some did, it wasn’t 20. it wasn’t by some lone gunman kid. and there was agenda.… seriously. click this link. #SandyHook

“In my cache you will find several small arms. All of these small arms are manufactured by Cerberus/Freedom Group.” – Christopher Dorner

“The same company responsible for the Portland mall shooting, Webster , NY, and Sandy Hook massacre.” – Christopher Dorner

the Ellie Parker Facebook page might still be up but the other ones were taken down & recreated after 12/14. i saw the pages then.

the video in YouTube with over 10 million views has footage of the FB pages and i tweeted the homeland security page yesterday….

…which was about a training exercise scheduled 12/14 to deal with “children disasters” 20 minutes from Sandy Hook.

“so what are you saying Echo?! that our own government would stage scenarios where they fake deaths & sometimes kill their own citizens?!”

“you think the government would go to these kind of lengths to pass legislation & to trick the ppl into giving up civil liberties?!?!”


Spanish-American War. Vietnam. Pearl Harbor. OKC bombing. Atlanta Olympics. 9/11. Sandy Hook. and on and on and on…

if you’re still the person that believes there’s no way our own government would do anything to harm us…go back to sleep.

remember all those dead bodies we saw at Sandy Hook? wait.

remember when we saw Saddam Hussein’s body? wait.

remember when we all saw Bin Laden’s body? wait.



Drake Finds Out What People Really Think of Him


Drake the type to put on a disguise and interview people about himself.

Fresh from being picked to host the ESPYs, rapper Aubrey Drake “Wheelchair Jimmy” Graham starred in a special edition of Jimmy Kimmel’s Lie Witness News, going incognito in a wig and fake beard to ask people what they thought about Drake.

Consensus: He’s not a “real rapper,” but Drake definitely the type to air his sex tape at Coachella, publicly urinate in a Baby Gap, or burst into tears while hosting a sports award show.


i fux with Drake from day 1. ok day 4. he grew on me. unsigned rappers hate Drake because they fear a kid off Degrassi got bars to bury em

gotta love how Drake basically gave himself away to ol boy who kept saying Drake was an idiot. and THAT idiot didn’t catch that it was Drake

hey Aubrey killed SNL when he hosted and now he’ll host the ESPY’s. i hate on no man.



M-theory and Fractals tweets


fuck it, i’ll do this as simply and with as little tweets as humanly possible.

Paul Steinhardt out of Princeton once spoke about the ekpyrotic model. M-theory basically which is multiverses. meaning more than 1 universe

in M-theory, fundamental objects are 2-dimensional membranes living in 11-dimensional space-time. I’ve gone over how there’s 11 dimensions.

M-theory says that our universe, and others, come from collisions between membranes in this 11-dimensional space.

and these universes can have completely different laws of physics – anything is possible; all potentials can be realized yo. super ill

like, in the room you’re in, there could be one of these 11 dimensions inside of it where a parallel “you” exists, right next to you right now

now imagine before the Big Bang our universe was made up of 2 perfectly flat four-dimensional surfaces in distance from one another, in Planck length.

in physics, the Planck length, denoted ℓP, is a unit of length, equal to 1.616199(97)×10−35 meters. really small.

a hydrogen atom is about 10 trillion trillion Planck lengths across. physicists primarily use the Planck length to talk about things that are ridiculously tiny.

now, random fluctuations in this unseen parallel universe caused it to distort, and start “reaching” towards our universe.

and then 13.8 billion years ago, these 2 out of 11 dimensional universes, “touched”. collided. that made one big explosion. we call it the Big Bang.

our visible universe could be one of these “parallel universes”, crammed into the unseen space between each dimension.

now to go back to arm movements and fractals…fractals usually form by opposing spirals, creating standing waves. and these spirals…

…contain the Golden Mean. it’s one of the most important mathematical structures in existence. it’s everywhere. on you. in you. around you.

your shoulder movement contains the larger spiral which is a vortex, and the elbow fractal is within that vortex, and to the fingers, etc..

fingers operate in the context of the wrist, the wrist in the context of the elbow, etc. this is a very efficient system. and…

…it’s how many say our universe works after having a collision with a parallel universe 14.8 billion years ago creating everything you see.

and these other dimensions still exist. some might be as large and observable as this one, and some might be curled up into Planck length.

again, parallel YOU might be right next to you right now, and you’re totally unaware of each other’s existence. but how you function…

…is how this particular universe functions. fractals. mathematics. the blueprints for how this universe was born and was made, is in you.

it’s on you. on your elbow. look at it in the mirror. look at all of your joints. you’re the universe. you’re old. lol

there’s an almost infinite number of probabilities every instant of your life and that’s only in this one dimension. let that blow your mind

i believe this universe is infinite. this has yet to be proven or disproven, but i’m confident that there is no end to my Self.

the infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. so even if we’re in 1 universe of a multiverse, i myself go on and on and on

want an example of unity? look at sunlight through a prism. unity can be found within nature but y’all on twitter debating lightskin and darkskin. smh

you are unity. you are infinity. you are love/light, light/love. you are. muthafuckin dig that.

Question Everything


Look man, I don’t believe everything I read so I do not expect everyone who reads my blog posts or tweets to believe it all either. Shit…I HOPE I get feedback, commentary, challenges, etc.

But know this. Whenever I get an itch to know something or something seems odd…I dig deep. If i see a camera on a building that just looks out of place….I go inside and ask “who requested that to be put there” or “how long has that camera been there”, etc. If I see barbed wire that looks out of place on a government building where it shouldn’t be, I ask somebody in that building about it.

I remember driving one day way up north in Cali past Santa Barbara to see my girl’s Dad play piano, and in this tiny town off the water that looked like it had 20 people living in it there was a general store, post office, etc., and one Masonic Temple. THAT’S IT! Just sitting there amongst the barns, tumbleweeds and gift shops. Best believe I checked on what Chapter they were, and how long they were there.

If I see an exhibit with some peculiar finds in it in a museum halfway across the world…I may not be able to afford to fly to that museum and take a look at inscriptions and stuff in person, but I write them like crazy about sending me pamphlets, pictures and whatever other information they have to send me. I then dissect it all and make my own assertions as to what the hell this new exhibit has in it and where the dig was. I find out about who commissioned the archaeologists, what University they went to, who their parents were, etc.

Everything MEANS something and nothing “just happens”. I’ve certainly opened my own eyes on many occasions going off a hunch, when something looked out of place or felt odd. 9 times out of 10 the “link” that I feel exists there, is correct, and whatever drivel I was given by whoever, turns out to be false.

I am just saying don’t be naive but, at the same time use your god given baby naivete to question everything. There is nothing wrong with “why is the sky blue” questions. Eventually…you’ll know why it’s blue. FYI…a clear cloudless daytime sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light more than they scatter red light because the red spectrum is light is much farther away than blue. See? Helps to know things.

FDR proposed a 2nd Bill of Rights

In 1944, President Roosevelt (just about a year before his death), the war having taken its toll, addressed Congress in his 11th State of the Union message. At one point, FDR proposed a 2nd Bill of Rights,  so to speak, that would cover American’s rights where the The Bill of Rights had left off, or covered insufficiently. Of course, he did not intend for a change in the US Constitution, but rather these implementations would be enacted “politically” through legislative change.

Here is perhaps the most poignant message of the speech, as an introduction to his proposed bill of rights “addendum”…

It is our duty now to begin to lay the plans and determine the strategy for the winning of a lasting peace and the establishment of an American standard of living higher than ever before known. We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people—whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth—is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed, and insecure.

Here are the rights that would compose this new proposition (The one’s that I feel most important, I have highlighted)

In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all—regardless of station, race, or creed.

Among these are:

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;

The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;

The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;

The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;

The right of every family to a decent home;

The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;

The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

The right to a good education.